Rigel Kerman

HR is there to protect the company. NOT the employees. Everything HR does is to protect the company. From trying to keep things quiet, to dealing with things swiftly (regardless of the outcome,) you name it, HR is trying to prevent lawsuits and actions against the company. Employees that cause trouble, especially in

Today’s lesson:

That’s why they call him Beverley Crusher. 

Alternatively, you could just not buy the games while respecting the intellectual property rights of games generally. A game not being worth the price is common. Piracy in response to that is not an ethical choice because you get something (the experience of playing the game) for nothing, and without the makers’

Don’t see why the article needed to be written in the first place.

I would also like to know this answer. If so, this would be very impressive indeed.

Coming soon: the first books in the WHERE’S MARSHAWN? series! Bonus points for finding Colin in the crowd, Donald in the crisis and leadership from either party!

As a software developer focused primarily on UI, I absolutely love it. I think it should be something that Nintendo should go as far as enforcing the consistency. It goes a long way.

What is a cis? No joke. Uninformed here.

“Rather than putting pressure on the basketballmen of the Golden State Warriors to travel through crime-infested Washington DC, I will not invite them to The White House. Very Dangerous!!”

I was expecting the N64 to have more fog...

Why would you have to look for a ball if it went into a hazard? If it goes in a pond do you have to get a scuba team to make sure it didn’t actually roll out of the water?

Just this first sentence alone indicates that you probably should have kept this comment to yourself.

I wonder how fast you can train an AI to moderate toxic comments from chat...

Same thing happened to my girlfriend. She was just starting to really get into streaming and was enjoying it. Then suddenly she started being a target of raids, people throwing all kinds of slurs, telling her to kill herself and all sorts of things. Because she didn’t have a ton of viewers, these people became the