I have to say, the mental image of this Thelma and Louise driving off a cliff is pretty hilarious.
I have to say, the mental image of this Thelma and Louise driving off a cliff is pretty hilarious.
Y'all. Y'ALL. I think I just realized why my husband has such a terrible time trying to navigate the grocery store. He was in a stroller for way too long, since he's the middle kid in a series that are all 2 years apart. He basically was in a stroller until he was too big (legs dragging on the ground) to be in…
As strollers get bigger, so do the kids that are confined to them. These modern strollers are built like tanks now. Swear I saw one with a surface to air missile attachment on it.
Aren't rich older women supposed to bathe in the blood of young virgins like the Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth…
This is what for-profit health care looks like. :(
If you think a gay white man has less privilege than a straight black man than you need help. Take your white opinions elsewhere.
Every damn time someone says white people, someone like you comes out guns blazing. Stop it. Actually read what people are saying, digest it, and make an effort not to be one of those white people. End of story.
-signed, white person who is not offended by the use of "white people."
My favorite is that instead of allowing "internet" to happen, the Academie Francaise made up some long phrase that translates to, like, "highway of the stars" or something like that. Yeahhhh...everyone just says "l'internet."
When I was 10 I heard a boy was allergic to chocolate in class, and I felt very sad for him thinking, "What point is there in living without chocolate?!" It's something I imagine most young kids would feel sad about, because it's like chocolate and candy are the best things ever as far as you know.
One of the other things with food allergies is that some people will claim to have them as a mask for eating disorders. When I was in grad school it wasn't uncommon for sorority girls to claim they had a gluten intolerance when socializing so no one could criticize them for not eating.
Infant formula was more widely used in the USA in the '50s than it is now. And unless you have some evidence or at least a hypothesis to implicate 'processed and genetically modified foods' then you're just guessing and might as well say it's because of Pixar films.
All the people in this topic who are like, "My friend claimed to have a nut/egg/milk allergy but I sneaked that ingredient into their food and they didn't notice, HAH!"
I've noticed that too. I grew up in 'da hood and no one had allergies. I went to a rich school and while some kids had to drink special milk, everyone else was fine. There was one kid who was diabetic and kid being kids, we thought he was kind of exciting.
I have to disagree - my mom, in particular, is the best at not giving a fuck.
YES. This. I have a friend (whom I love dearly) who claims to be Celiac and lactose-intolerant, but really, just gets gassy after pizza.
Louis CK has a bit where he touches on this.
I'm wondering if it's a combination of a lower threshold for categorizing "allergies" and increased awareness of the more minor ones? I babysit in a fairly wealthy area, and a lot of kids have food "sensitivities" it seems— I'm not saying they aren't real, I just think there's more awareness (and just a touch of…
I've been asking my husband to get a NO PENICILLIN tattoo for a few years. But then again, I'm totally paranoid that something will happen and either I won't be there, or I'll panic and not remember, and he'll die from a simple stupid injection.
Good call. Kids are at their most understanding in middle school.