
FYI its about 40 hours of gameplay to unlock each character.

I’m not sure how that’s relevant. I don’t care that he’s British, I care that it sounds like shit.

I just saw the english language trailer... ugh that’s bad. It’s like he’s trying to emulate the worst parts of Jon Snow’s weird accent. I think I’ll just cancel my pre-order instead.

Why does absolutely everything need a timeline

...........Bjork developed a game?

Well first of all, we’re not leaking, we’re reporting on leaks. Important distinction.

I am doing no such thing. I’m just pointing out that Kayne can’t be certain that she went to heaven.

It’s very presumptuous of Kanye to assume his mother went to heaven.....

It does look good in stills. We’ll have to wait for a trailer, because Telltale is not exactly know for great animation.