
Bellamy is only one person, so even if he went against Pike, he wouldn't have gone far. The grounders would've still been dead with or without Bellamy's aide. The writers put him there so people will know that on a crisis, everyone can change very fast depending on reasons.Bellamy was never a good person. He did

I'm kinda torn between this: one, because Bellamy did what he always had to do for his people like he said, and two, because Bellamy killed a lot of grounders this season, like the ones from this episode in cold blood. I understand both reasons, and if I would've been there in his stead, I honestly don't know what I

Funny, they can show gore, but they can't allow someone cursing…America never cease to amaze me!

They don't allow it, at least not on this show. Go look on youtube when Rick started his ricktatorship with his speech and he curses, you will see that it was censored.

He won't. Well, maybe he will, but it will be censored, which is really funny to me. The tv show can show eyeballs popping, heads cutting, necks stabbing, but they can't allow someone to talk dirty.

Funny, but that's exactly what I think. The original was good, if not great, but the sequels were lacklusters.

While you're right, I probably shouldn't said did they now, and like you said, the masses being lazy, which sadly is true, I always like to think that there are more clever people out there that will lead the masses on the right path. Also, Alan Moore is not the man he used to be, and in our days with social media and

Did they now? I know for a fact that some people actually went to read the graphic novel and see if it was better. Also, Watchmen was released a long time ago, so it won't have the success it used to have, because there are always books/graphic novels/audio books that keeps coming. I mean, look at other great authors

Just because a movie adaptation is bad doesn't mean the same for the original. Everyone knows that almost every time a book will be better, so I don't see why people should stop reading Gaiman's or any of the other authors whose movies adaptations failed to reach the success of his/her counterparts.

I never quit a show for its deaths. I watched a ton of shows that usually ended with someone getting brutally murdered. I would run out of shows to watch if I would had quit every time someone I cared for died. No more The Wire/The Sopranos/Lost/Dexter and so on. Seriously, I mean every one of us suffered or will

"So where did this assassin come from? Why does he have a self-destruct code on his arm? Why does he have to look so creepy?"
Mr. Kyle Fowle, the answers are in this episode, near the end.
Also, Echo saved Bellamy's life last season, so he never considered her a threat.

Start writing a book, sell your script and then try to talk with all the lawyers that are there and say that you want to keep the script as it is and not change races and what not. They will laugh in your face, ( literally) take back the money that the person of interest paid and leave. There are thousands of scripts

This season finale reminded me of The Wire's season finale and how every time evil wins. What Cleary did to Harry was sick, no matter how you put. If this is it for the show, then I take my hat off to it. We've had a great year in television with great shows, but only Fargo and The Knick were the best shows this year

Yes, she is the reason why Quinn was shot, but other than that, not much. It's pretty impossible( unless the writers do something stupid) to connect Allison's phone in the first place since that phone was only used when she had to be in touch with the russians. It wasn't the phone she tossed it when the drone spied on

Why should Allison die how you described it? I mean she doesn't have anything to do with his predicament, so I don't see the point.

This is the same argument I keep hearing about it. Not many people enjoyed the first season( I'm not among those) and many left, but those who've remained faithful found out how great this second season is. You should try watching it, but if you didn't enjoyed the third ep. which was the first great ep. then I don't

That show is not for everyone. The same could be said about The Leftovers. I enjoy it, so for me it is, but like I said, it's not for everyone. Don't worry, there are plenty of other shows out there to watch.

And that's why we should be thankful that we have shows like The Leftovers, Fargo, The Knick, and so on to satisfy our need of watching great shows.

They did the same with Tyresse and The Governor so, while I didn't liked it, it was expected for them to do something like this since he captured that wolf and didn't killed him.