
Your article and attitude seem to indicate otherwise.

You're welcome. I don't begrudge you earning a living, which is why I find it odd that you resent the thousands of artists who depend on the royalties that BMI and others collect for them. I was never a superstar like Whitney Houston, but my check from BMI means that I get to have health insurance.

Yeah, I mean, Whitney Houston really should have just been making music for the joy of it, right?

“We’re very cognizant of not betraying the expectations of long term fans,” Shigeru Ohmori, the director of Pokémon Sword and Shield, told Kotaku. “We view it as a way to get every Pokémon to shine in battle. Even if they weren’t as viable in the past, this is their time to shine, and we’re balancing the battle system

It’s not like other artistic styles have a better ratio of creative inspiration.

“The best course of action is for everyone involved to be honest. You should be clear about how long you think it’ll take the rest of your party to arrive. You should be honest if they’re not coming.”

Jezebel. Splinter.

To be clear, a disturbing trend on this site has been to go HAM on white women, period. I am willing to criticize anyone when they deserve it. But there is a reflexive “Fuck white women” stance here that a lot of folks have taken, and I will never be comfortable with it.

This Sandusky story just won’t die.

Funnily enough, I loved this movie for the exact same reasons you hated it, my dude

Yeah, it raises an interesting question, and I’m sure this will keep coming up with more and more “service” games in the future. But if you bought vanilla Destiny 2 on PC (which came out in late October), you had less than a month and a half with this stuff before it locked you out. That’s kinda nuts.

You’re reading the remarks of a person intelligent enough to recognize when a situation is complex and morally unclear. He argues both sides of the coin and the overall scenario is put forward as complex, and uncertain - all of which is true. It was well handled in the hospital too - they had a dilemma, took the

1) Bowman is a bioethicist, not a doctor.

Looks that way. That should really be in the header. BOO.

Looks that way. That should really be in the header. BOO.

Are these for Kindle only? The 65% discount that is

Are these for Kindle only? The 65% discount that is

This is probably set before Loki becomes sorcerer supreme

All Creatures Mystical and Mundane

Does Strange still have magic at his disposal, despite losing his mantle? Is there a Stephen Strange: Mystic Veterinarian series in our future?

It’s literally just a cat pun.