After Witchfinder General's acid-soak cousin in A Field in England, I feel safe in saying that Michael Smiley could probably do that role a lot of justice.
After Witchfinder General's acid-soak cousin in A Field in England, I feel safe in saying that Michael Smiley could probably do that role a lot of justice.
I love how strange a stop that film is on Julie Delpy's filmography. You go from her various French films, including the Three Colors Trilogy, right into Killing Zoe, followed by Before Sunrise, and then that film. And then it's business as usual for her from that point forward.
I'm pretty sure Morgan Freeman is the only person allowed to utter "shit weasels" and get away with it.
I think that Dave Jaffe's dream casting for Kratos was Djimon Hounsou, which would be pretty fantastic. Would undoubtedly piss off racists something fierce, but Kratos is already depicted as being very dark-skinned prior to his iconic look.
Hey, if Sean Connery can get away with playing an Egyptian pretending to be Spanish, the sky is the limit.
Sadly, that's a Ryan Gosling line. If it makes you feel any better, though, Gosling appears to be suffering from a near-fatal overdose of sleeping pills in every scene that he's in, so he delivers the line with all the passion that a pet rock would be able to muster with the same material.
He acted a bit, too, with a key role in A Blade in the Dark, a film by the other Argento disciple, Lamberto Bava.
I saw this for the first time last year, and I absolutely adored it from beginning to end. Some people might poo-poo the simple plot, but sometimes, it pays to not have to worry about red herrings and the killer's true identity.
It's one of my favorite endings of all time; it makes no sense why it ends the way it does, and yet I couldn't imagine another ending to this than the one they went with. The song is the most delicious cherry upon an ice cream that you will ever eat.
That was true of the first one they had out there, that gave the general premise of the story, but the most recent ones have been showing the rest of the film, and we know how much studios love showing the rest of the film in ads these days.
Not that specific, perhaps, but I figured that she was actually an adult the whole time.
Yeah, that's the kind of obvious twist that you expect a film like this to pull out as their trump card. It's like how the advertising for Orphan started focusing on there being A TWIST THAT YOU'LL NEVER SEE COMING, and although I never saw the film properly, I did wonder aloud as to what the twist had to be, and sure…
There's enough material for this Inventory suggestion for three Inventories.
There's enough material for this Inventory suggestion for three Inventories.
Oh good, someone here has seen Yacht Rock.
Are you implying that Alice in Wonderland wasn't a bad film?
You could have thanked him for making a film that required Mathilda May to be buck naked for nearly her entire performance.
You could have thanked him for making a film that required Mathilda May to be buck naked for nearly her entire performance.
I was already won over by the film at that point, but the moment where Woody Harrelson's head literally explodes during the climax of the script-reading made me a fan for life. I could not stop laughing.
I was already won over by the film at that point, but the moment where Woody Harrelson's head literally explodes during the climax of the script-reading made me a fan for life. I could not stop laughing.