
Dude’s talking as if public forgiveness is a switch that someone somewhere just needs to flick. The public will forgive people if they feel like they deserve to be forgiven. And that’s a piece of piss for a celebrity, just throw a bunch of cash at some PR douchebags and they’ll plant stories and organise benefits and

I really, really wanted Biden to show up for this debate. I did tune out right before the final half-hour, so there’s a possibility I missed the point in the debate where he curved his arm in front of him and launched a fireball at Trump while shouting “Hadoken!”, but, from the reporting, I think he just carried on

She said it wasn’t Cruise. It’s in the article.

Dr Baby’s response to you tells you everything you need to know about the way this discourse always plays out. If you don’t agree with the leaps in logic that it takes to arrive at “jokes = harm”, then you’ll be labeled a nazi. Modern progressive purity, via the toxicity of social media, is a bane on people’s ability

This is the kind of thing we have to stop doing. Dave Chapelle is funny, says funny things, and makes jokes. Some of those jokes hit, some of those jokes feel a little dated now or maybe don’t work well with the way some people’s values have changed, but it’s just comedy. He isn’t out there advocating for anything

Since I was a little kid, it’s always looked delicious to me. I begged my mom for one. Even now, it looks delicious in that header pic.

It’s not the Ghostbusters movie they’re spun up over. It’s the Black person in the movie. Especially a Black woman who has the gall to happily exist in a body that doesn’t try to meet traditional standards of beauty for them to look at.

I thought assignments like this were common. I did one in 4th grade that was in regards to learning about the Titanic, and there were similar “types” of people. We’d decide who got on the life raft and then have to explain each choice. It’s sort of ethics lite

requiring Ju’Coby Pittman, a Jacksonville city councilwoman representing the neighborhood where the shooting happened, to intervene to and ask the crowd to listen. Pittman declared that “it ain’t about parties today,”

Didn’t we already know they were morally bankrupt hypocrites though?

  • Conservatives suck at art. They’re bad at it. So there are a lot fewer conservative artists creating art of any quality. So when one does come along and create something passable, every single conservative purchases it, creating a unified wave of dollars behind that one mediocre thing. Liberal dollars, meanwhile, are

It’s truly amazing how brainwashed the “culture warrior army” has become from their hours and hours of listening to right wing grifters.

Why is anyone surprised? The DNA test already told us she was 100% that bitch.

This is a total fucking misrepresentation of what she was saying.

That’s exactly my point. If you were doing what you are saying for other people to do, you would be dead or in jail right now. News for you, if all you’re doing is voting then you aren’t doing these revolutionary acts that you think you’re doing. I have voted in every local and national election and do my part to make

Yeah, that's bullshit and spoken like someone who has never had to really deal with any real type of discrimination. When an entire government is against you, its not your solo responsibility to martyr yourself for your cause and trying to stay alive doesn't mean you are supporting your own oppression. I guarantee you

The real answer is don’t take it upon yourself to represent a community you don’t belong to nor fully understand.

What is there to disagree with? They basically want equal rights which as Americans they afforded under the constitution, so Yes, you are a bigot for disagreeing with them.

At least four of those women have called the cops when a black person walked a dog on their street and the other two couldn’t find their phone.