
Fuck you. I think it's beautiful!

Because fighter plane!

Collision Warning System. If you're too dumb to pay attention to what's in front of you, you shouldn't be handed keys to any vehicle. Ever.

You caught him on a good day with flowing traffic.

Think about this. The same gubmint that takes care of these bridges will be charged with building, maintaining, and running high speed rail. They do such a stellar job with Slamtrak, do you really want to put the lives of hundreds of people moving in excess of 150mph in the hands of a bloated inefficient bureaucracy?

If Congress were actually and literally on fire, they couldn't cooperate long enough to pass a "Throw Water on Congress Act"

Always watching

You can make vroom vroom noises with it as you push it around your desk at work.


It's actually using an ENB series. Hope you have a good graphics card.

The total cost per hour of operating a chopper is expensive by the standards of "regular people." It's very different than helping somebody out with a pick-up truck.

He said way too many "I need you to" 's for me not to instantly see him as the entitled douche nozzle that he is. "Oh no, my hand hurts - stop everything until my needs are met and I get what I want - but let me take a secret video that I can twist out of context and try to make everyone think I'm a victim when I get

We all know what happens to that guy

Buy your own helicopter, and then you can give people free rides. Ass, grass, or gas...

The beauty of CoD 4 was that you actually gave a shit about the people who died. Everyone after 4, with the exception of maybe World at War, I couldn't care less about.

Delete California from that map too and we'll call it even.

It's a car, right?

More trailers should have the theme from Terminator.