
as this is the internet, i suspect by this time next year we’ll all be driving down Freeway McRoadFace.

It had far more problems than just the animations. The animations were just the most blatantly obvious problem.

“The quest to appease the fan base”.

Did you read the twidiots from yesterday’s post? It’s morons like that trying to connect a completely unrelated and successful series of events in MI to the the suspected murder of a lady in VA. It’s only a very unfortunate coincidence. Nothing more.

Ugh... and just when I’d given to hope that senseless hatred and violence were just an American tradition, THIS jackoff...

I hope it wasn’t a Panda. And furthermore, I condemn Fiat in advance for insensitively creating a KillerPanda enthusiast night.

Was the driver of the van protesting a video?

Our legal system is the worst one out there — if you ignore everything that came before it.

My Torx hate comes from Arctic Cat ATV’s and snowmobiles and their generous use of them. They’re Ok when they’re new but throw a few years of rust/corrosion/mud etc and those useless little blades of the bit just round off. The most use my Torx bits get is being hammered into rounded out hex bolts - they work great

You missed the important part, is it a 10mm socket?

The real surprise here is that an Evo not only made it to 64,000 miles without needing any engine work, but that it did so while remaining STOCK in the engine department.

  • if you simply must drive during this celestial event, you can safely look at the eclipse through a moonroof, but not a sunroof.

“Also, maybe you could denounce racism?”

Why do people get so fired up for literally nothing?

Where is the uproar about the Beetle? I mean it was literally Hitler’s car. I don’t see the anger about that car still being made. People called out Macklemore for his haircut. Now get mad about an event name that was chosen YEARS before the events of Saturday? How about we focus our efforts on the enemy and not

Recreational outrage is out of hand

I wonder if ever again in my lifetime we will see people stand up against others being inappropriately offended.

This is the country we have made. Anything that upsets anyone at anytime for any reason is subject to calls for sensitivity and blanket judgement. And you’d better appease the little whiners on social media before you go “viral”. I’d give anything for Dodge to tweet about how extremely unrelated the two are and how

This is just another example of people getting all bend out of shape and offended about something that if they took 2 seconds to do some research would see wtf is going on....

People are fucking stupid.