They can’t, Tesla is build on hype. Its really the only thing they have going for them.
They can’t, Tesla is build on hype. Its really the only thing they have going for them.
Fake news!
In official cannon HE is also a SHE... thus the babies that are born and soon die.
It WAS brand new.....
Suddenly, Godzilla’s head bursts through the pavement, revealing that he is, in fact, not dead, and discovers his slain young with the perpetrators standing close by.
Hey, if we’re gonna talk about badass Caprices, which I don’t feel is a conversation had often enough, can I get a little love for “72nd and Broadway to Central Park South In Three Minutes” Caprice?
I think I’m more shocked that someone has the gall to price this at $179.
Source for that-
i see no problem with this device at all, straight from Tesla Website:
I remember what my brother said about this.
Ok, yeah. Literally babies, not “babies”. Does she go check, or just leave the potential baby there in the road? Now I’m confused.
***Pulls off onto 8 mile road***
Then you should kill him and eat his heart.... to gain his driving courage.... his rich, tasty driving courage.
throwback monday
True, it’s time for van control, and we also need to boycott Ryder which rents these deadly machines.
Now you get a surly individual, usually on a bluetooth headset that’s mad you interrupted his conversation. Check oil? I’d be surprised if they could get the hood open.
Because this keeps coming up despite being addressed in the article: the n-word is not in the original song. He added it in.