
Republicans said the same thing about Obama in 2008/9 and you rightfully mocked them for it. Why do you think it’s a reasonable claim now?

This is a generation that demands safe spaces in schools and jobs so that they can cry out their day and hug stuffed animals like they’re still 4 years old. They’ll continue to stomp their feet and throw a tantrum until they tire themselves out, then go take a nap.

The Democrats started the fire by pushing such divisive language for so long that Trump was the logical conclusion of the division among the populace. Calling gun owners baby killers in training, calling them racists and Islamophobes for fearing a very real threat. Calling them racists for disagreeing with the

HA! More faithless electors for Hillary than for Donald.

I think the biggest aspect is that most people don’t pretend like they’ve never swore or used a racial/ethnic slur.

I knew a guy who had a damning video of Hillary, but he got depressed during the summer and shot himself in the back of the head 3 times.

Why? I mean, there were no good candidates, so might as well vote for the person who most represents you (the way the election is SUPPOSED to be).

Do you know what plagiarism means?

I was thinking of Stapleton while reading this article, as well!

I got a good chuckle when the two guys from the cantina showed up, though...

“Many bothans died to get us this information.”

Leagues better than Episode 7. The movie had a fantastic story, awesome space battles, Darth Vader showing us why everyone feared him, and no open door for a money grabbing sequel.

Same here. Yeah, the Italian tour was heavily scripted. It’s not like TG wasn’t. I personally found the military episode to be hilarious. And the deaths of the celebrities have been amusing thus far.

An article on these sites that isn’t all doom and gloom? And is actually well written and agreeable??

Z31, utterly disgusting.

A land bridge the locals named “Israel”

Is anybody really shocked that a Vox article turned out to be full of shit?

There’s also the fact that Clinton was a shitty candidate and being a woman doesn’t guarantee her the job, nor should it. I didn’t vote for Trump, but Hillary bought her own shtick about it being her turn, that she assumed she had states that she didn’t.

I don’t care for it. It’s too close to gray. I want something like the blue they offered for the Mazda 3 a few years ago...

Worst case scenario, it’ll be overflow parking for Raider games at home.