
A few years ago we had nasty flooding in Colorado, and a woman drove into it and wasn’t rescued for 4 hours (because nobody knew there was anyone in the floating car). The fire department eventually checked and was able to save her. She then sued them for taking so long to get her out of her car.

Now playing

That guy in the blue shirt is like “Pfft, I do that all the time”

I’d park a late 80s Mercedes on that.

Oooh, call it Gear Knobs!

LS swap is so played out, though.

What turns a man neutral? Lust for gold?

It might ruin the spirit of the car, but I’d get aluminum body panels and just have them textured or wrapped to look like brushed stainless.

Z34. Is that the Beretta or the Lumina? I think the latter, since it has corner lights...

The FC and even moreso the FB, I’ve always referred to them as doorstops, because that is what they remind me of. The FD, though, ugh, it looks like it could be fresh out of the design studio even now.

The Delorean would be such a better performing car with a 3100/3400/3800sc swap.

It makes NA Miatas look like they’re just putting on a facade of happiness...

I didn’t realize the seats were exploded, too. I was trying to wrap my head around having the driver’s head over the rest of the body work...

I don’t know what it is about those headlight grills, but man does it make me drool over the Montreal...

300ZX Z32 for me. It’s looks remind me of Pontiac, especially the taillights, so I call it a Japanese Firebird.

No, u shut up!

Wow when did I get grayed on Jalopnik?

Unless your car is front engine, rear wheel drive...

That movie is so fantastic. I need to find it on bluray.