I wish I could own a pretend car company. It seems more fun than actually doing real work. I’d just announce cool concepts every few months, have fun making renderings, and then every few days I’d tweet something super cryptic.
I wish I could own a pretend car company. It seems more fun than actually doing real work. I’d just announce cool concepts every few months, have fun making renderings, and then every few days I’d tweet something super cryptic.
Mike I would just suggest to you that you use your time writing about music you do like instead of wasting so much time screaming into the void about something you hate. We got it dude. Your dozen or so comments in defense of not like Billie Eilish makes it clear you’re not a fan. I’m not a fan, either. I don’t listen…
Due to the implications that it has for his longevity, I sincerely hope that Don Jr. is really eating four pounds of red meat a day.
Rally is cool but being a US fan automatically makes you a weird euro-nerd. Like watching professional cycling or UK soccer or listening to techno.
Dam both ends of the canal and start filling it with water ...
Yeah, to a trained driver it’s extremely unsettling to watch, and it does it every single time in the video.
Am I the only one bothered by the fact that the car is angled into traffic and the wheel is turned waiting for the opportunity to make the left turn?
You’d better give that fkin thing the 1x treatment. Box Components prime 9 is pretty affordable and smooth I’m told. With a sexy chainring. Like, wolftooth, or something. Ovaloid. the subreddit r/xbike has corrupted me
I love these articles. Keeping an old, outperformed, junky vehicle operational despite the huge time investment is the single most Jalop thing possible. Keep them up!
Strip the frame, polish the lugs, and then powdercoat the frame with color on the tubes and a clearcoat on the lugs. It’ll look glorious.
it is the bike that won’t stop blogging
Fortunately, it is a unit of measure that hasn’t changed in your lifetime, meaning you could have learned it once and never been confused by it again.
Who has their US to Canadian football field conversion chart?
How many Miatas is it.
Look, when you’re born with a name like Howdy Ledbetter some things are just out of your control. The man was probably chopping and dropping his Kozy Koupe before he was even potty trained. He only knows one way to be, cut the man a break.
How could a man named “Howdy Ledbetter” be anything other than a hot-rodder? That’s nominative destiny, that is.
Just a heads up, this article is about ugly cars, not Alfa Romeos
This is obviously going to vary between demographics and social circles, but as far as I’ve seen there’s very little social stigma left against therapy.
I’ll tell you what keeps this elderly-millennial man out of therapy:
1) It’s expensive.
2) It’s absurdly difficult to find a therapist - let alone a good personal fit.