Will they be responsible? Yes, absolutely.
Ran when Orbited.
4) The technology probably came from Boeing, anyway.
That’s assuming we don’t already know everything about this rocket, or that there’s something to gain from it. We’ve been on the forefront of this for decades, the Chinese space program is playing catchup.
Don’t keep a piece of the Chinese rocket. You’ll only want more in an hour.
Does it need a good connection to the phone and internet at the time of impact? Plenty of us ride where we have a sat com because there is no signal. Also seen a few damaged cell phones because of simple tip overs in the middle of a ride. Would be silly to have a safety device not work if your phone was damaged,…
The biggest issue to me, aside from the question of whether a subscription model is good or bad, is whether you can tell if your vest is working or not.
I think it’s usually called “greenwashing”. But I’m very curious how much fuel they burned vs the ICE cars. Ie. Would the ICE race cars have used less biofuel?
Yes, since you can’t argue with the logic you imply I’m a racist. Not surprising.
I can tell you what the restaurant owner is definitely not offering - money for doing nothing. But that’s what he’s competing with, and his competitor has no cost constraints whatsoever. They just print more money if they run out. He’s not on a level playing field.
“Has no one made an Uber/Lyft type of app and licensed it to the cab companies?”
I think Flywheel does this.
I don’t live in a large, metropolitan area that has extensive cab usage. Our local company maybe has three taxis that see heavy usage on New Year’s. Has no one made an Uber/Lyft type of app and licensed it to the cab companies? That just seems like the smarter business model. Take your little cut out of the fare and…
I am currently obsessing over buying a scooter. A honda ruckus.
Not that one. That fucker would have to walk.
FALSE! They do NOT advertise that the cars should be operated without driver supervision.
Wait, wait, don’t start blaming the victim, the tree was just growing there.
Many will blame Tesla for the crash, deaths, and subsequent fire. Seems to me that the driver and the tree played starring roles.