
And my point is, we don’t have a definitive guidebook on what is “presidenting”. This presidency is showing us first hand how much of “presidenting” hinges on that person’s personal integrity and sense of honor. So instead of focusing on his way of “presidenting” and just exclaim “that’s not how a president should

But one would be ignoring the fact that Trump isn’t really a president.

The odd thing here is that you’re claiming this is an issue that only happened to millenials.

And now you know that this game exists, along with every reader of this article, as well as 170k of people who had tried it as well as their contacts. They might not make money from the whole ordeal but they got a publicity blitz that is normally very, very expensive.

That’s actually a good concept. The problem with so few representatives of so many is that they’re easily bought. More representatives mean it gets harder to buy all of them. We’re at the point where mega money could easily buy both Rs and Ds. The government is created to protect its people, from foreign threats as

I agree with your points. There’s one thing I might add: the focus has always been to limit the government and this has become the mantra behind everyone’s mind. I understand and agree with the sentiment that too much government control is very bad. What is messed up with our current world is that the government is

We’ll just have to agree to disagree on that part of the health care then.

Rhodey won’t replace Tony Stark. Shuri will. At least on the ‘scientist’ side. For the “I bring you tidings” side for plot advancement, we have Doctor Strange.

Nah, Duncan was great with his screen and physical presence but his “evil jolly giant” wouldn’t work with this version of Daredevil. A great villain is a mirror to the protagonist. So this more ‘quiet rage’ Fisk is a better counter to this Daredevil with his tortured moral dilemma.

I agree with most of your points except for the “Trump on the right track” since he’s not solving the problem on health care at all. Making the whole thing free market will just create an industry of preying on the weak and vulnerable. He’s just doing the thing that was wrong before, that previous people tried to fix

Almost correct. The actual whole process is less nefarious while just as callous. Basically, companies like Bain works like this:

I’m not talking about Obama’s half baked health care.

LOL “economic savvy”

No one participates in this “free market”. It’s just a buzzword of “let us do whatever we want to your economy but we won’t let you the same to ours”.

It’s as funny as Trunks telling the police not to shoot regular Goku because “this man isn’t Black”.

No, boobs don’t jiggle like that. They’re not made of soft rubber. The only way it *might* jiggle like that if the person was not wearing anything to restrict the boobs in any way but at that point, they would not have rested and look the way they are in the clip. Take it from me, I’m a professor of boob jiggles.

Net worth and annual income are 2 different things. I don’t dispute the greed and shittiness of Bezos but this kind of comparison is pretty dumb.

The real problem is some people apparently have a problem of differentiating reality and fantasy. Video games where NYPD is not-scum is a bad thing, but ones where USA is the heroes of Vietnam War is not a problem.

You don’t get it! In a world where a super powered person who uses his powers selflessly to help everyone around them without any gain even when having economical problem, it is impossible to have a police force that is better than in our world! That’s too fantastical of a leap!

All superheroes are power fantasies of beating up lowly thugs. There is no superhero that focusing on corrupt politicians or greedy corporations. They always beat up lowly thugs, who are sometimes paid by said politician or corporation. There’s a reason why some people consider Batman to be a fascist. He’s using his