
I was not a whale but I did spend money on Marvel Heroes. My wife is the one who really enjoyed the game since she was a big Diablo 2 fan (but turned off by D3). I was a D2 fan too but MH, to me, felt more hollow. Enemies don’t mean much and I’m a bit taken back by having my Hulk or Iron Man getting pummeled by street

I didn’t say anything about game mechanics. All I stated are progression mechanics. In FPS PvP, the focus should be player skill since the game mechanic is dependent on player reflex and accuracy. In MMORPG, the focus is time spent. You don’t need to have the best reflex in an MMORPG PvP mode since the point of the

Actually, this is eSports becoming more “sports”.

Except if you used that term, then Starcraft and C&C would also be considered “MOBA”. Or supposedly “fighting games” like Power Stone(or any WWE game) would also be more MOBA than LoL and DoTA. It’s just nitpicking for no real significance. The people who made the games reached this level of popularity declared it to

The problem is actually how spending money or mindlessly grinding for hours are supposed to make you into a super powerful character. That has no place if a game where you’re fighting against other players. The point of the competition should be on player skill and knowledge (FPS system), not on how much money they

Actually, no *competitive* multiplayer focused game allows you to grind ANYTHING to gain advantage in online multiplayer. Any game that set up a system like this is usually F2P and using their player base as grinding posts for other players. The concept of progression of making your characters much better (as in, not

“And Bungie has always been unable to communicate with players in a way that doesn’t piss them off.”

Oh yeah, definitely. I used to think the $15 a month subscription model was overpriced because you’re still technically being charged even when you’re not playing. But the current system with microtransactions and loot crates are totally predatory.

The only time I got really disturbed of losing my digital “stuff” was when they closed down City of Heroes. I bought the game and CoV expansion full price and even went on subscription for the longest time.The difference was CoH was doing fine as a business and even had development going strong with months of content

Try Warframe. You won’t look like the traditional super hero but you will feel like one. As long as you can get into the art direction (which I personally think is phenomenal and unique, but definitely not mainstream) since you’ll be playing as an eyeless, mouthless bio-tech space ninja.

I spent 50$ on this game to support it and I don’t feel too bad because it is after all a F2P game and I feel like I got my money’s worth. Sucks for the devs though. I know the game won’t last forever but was hoping they’d go on to make Marvel Heroes 2 or something similar. I would’ve supported the game more but it

My personal take on this, ‘dick pics’ are about ego. Men who sent these to women sent them because they’re proud of their dicks and find it a desirable feature of themselves because they obviously like their dicks so much and like making it feel good. It’s basically like your granny sending you ugly sweaters because

First of all, that’s a terrible way of thinking “This doesn’t affect me so I have no problem with it”. So all you’re doing is declaring you don’t care about others’ plight as long as it doesn’t affect you.

To be fair, all the stuff he mentioned and all the Kong stuff was very good. It’s the people that are crap. I guess he would’ve paid more attention to them if they were, I dunno, cosplaying video game characters or something. Maybe Tom Hiddleston’s character should’ve dressed like Solid Snake so he wouldhave actually

Depends on how much you can afford for lawyers.

I don’t think he would get 20. That’s the max. Probably a year or two. But these idiot kids forget that it’s a federal crime and you’re fucked for life if you get convicted of federal felony. So many open doors are closed for you and everything from employment and obtaining credit would be an uphill battle.

If you think the “we need more women/blacks” is without any reason then you just showed yourself to be a privileged ignoramus. You claimed “don’t look at their experience” yet you completely failed to look at *why* there’s a lack of experience on these groups.

I don’t think so. That’s implying most of these religious families don’t have higher education. I think it’s more like higher education made them less religious and also higher income and capable of sending the kids to higher education and then becoming even less religious and so on. I think the “not believing in God”

Guess who owns the distribution rights to all of those in North America?

City of Heroes wasn’t even being retired, it was murdered. The devs made plans for the upcoming years and then suddenly the publisher went “Nope, kill this game because our other games are not doing as well as we’d hoped so we’re restructuring”. How salty am I about that? Let’s just say I have never once touch an