
Ah yes! I know a fellow Sega console player when I see one!

So Master Chief barely wears his helmet in the next episode…. Smh… I’ll be in my bunk. 

Not to be outdone by Marvel’s Dick Rider, WB now might do Blackhawk. Nice…

Absolutely love this take. “It was never panic, but there was definite urgency.”

Now I’m at an impasse. I consume almost all Marvel (no Netflix shows) and all Star Wars with my kids (both below 7yo). I’ve been hyping up Moon Knight to them but this clip makes me think they may not be able to handle it.

This right here. Once you find the vertical studs, run the finder parallel in between them. Some house have fire blocks between the vertical studs and are such a pain once you’ve already started fishing. 

More like dust globe amirite?

A lot more. I can’t remember a season where there isn’t at least one. And it’s not just female victims either. We realized it got so bad that the act of it is essentially a recurring character. 

My wife and I like the show, but after the last season we realized the show relies on rape way too much as a source of plot. 

Oh gawd. I love Andy Samberg but those are not their voices.

Solution for a problem that didn’t exist. 

The actor who played Aladdin (Mena Massoud) is rumored to be picked up for the Ahsoka show. The rumor points to him playing Ezra Bridger. So he may be busy soon!

How can a list like this exist without “The Waterboy”?

How can a list like this exist without “The Waterboy”?

It had a perfect ending. It landed so perfectly. Why? Just why???

Utah… A place where there’s a good percentage of people who think there’s fossilized human footprints next to the dino ones…

Ha. Even includes everyone’s favorite sliding mechanic. 

With this trailer Marvel has a mummy, a vampire (Blade), a Scarlet Witch, and a werewolf (Halloween special).

Exactly my mindset. The expectations are so rock bottom, there is no where to go but up. And if it is rock bottom terrible, well… you knew exactly where you were. 

“If I had a dick, this is where I’d tell you to suck it.”

To this day I still can’t get that bug scene from the 2005 King Kong movie…