
I meant no disrespect with the parentheses statement. Truly. I am terrible at bows having tried using them many times and different types.

Neither does a 70 year old super soldier unfrozen out of ice who goes back in time to live his life, a dude alien once thought to be a god who controls lightning, a super genius billionaire who can fall from miles up in a metal suit with nary a scratch, an Air Force officer who got alien gunk on her and got super

I don’t know why I like this idea so much, but I do. Disney ride cinematic universe? 

No. It looks like an Aztek.

It’s a teaser trailer so of course they cut a lot out, but I’m willing to bet Doc Ock is saying ”Hello Peter” to Tobey Maguire. 

Lol. Well I do charge people $10. When I keep it under 20 people which includes my family it covers a little less than half the cost. But I have no problem sharing a hobby I love with people who love it too. It gives it the opening night feel to me.

I’ve been doing the Private Watch Party for Cinemark. For those you who are worried about theaters check to see if any theaters close to you have this.

I think this idea of the actors being well versed in the lore derived from when some actors post pictures of comics and other material saying they are doing research. This is perfectly fine as well and kind of makes nerds like us happy that they’re sharing in our interests even if it is for a job.

That made me laugh more than it should have. Lol

It’s mild OCD. The show is just not that good but I watch every second of it as well. Hope they give it a final season.

I agree that the BW movie was solid. However, that’s not what we needed. It needed to be something special. Like Winter Soldier special.

e.g. Trump in Home Alone 2…

Personally I just want to defeat one fucking Valkyrie from the last one.

This new io9 design is just the worst.

Can we get the hybrid wagon in the States before this please?

Preface: I’m Asian

Reminds me of that one area in the first Last of Us where you fall into a basement and the only way to get out is to start up a generator to power the door to open. The only problem was the generator and the door were on opposite ends of the basement. And the generator was loud af. Good times...

Cheers to that!