
Agreed. I view season 1 as a sort of introduction to the Punisher universe. Hence, more story, background, and setting up the motivations. With that out of the way, it looks like it’s going to be story driven with over the top action. **fingers crossed**

Holy crap. That is my thought in all of my commutes. After seeing the bay bridge after the loma prieta... (Also a Californian)

The sleigh gameplay kind of reminds of Nights into Dreams as well. Will have to check this out.

On a side note. The Snap destroyed half of all life. Considering that Thanos had just decimated Xander to get the Power Stone, he probably eliminated half the population while he was there. When he did the Snap a few weeks later, did the population get cut in half again?

I have the Osprey Poco. Love it. Kids love it too. I have an older version with stirrups so the kids legs aren’t dangling free. Keeps their circulation in their legs free. Super easy to operate yourself. Great for hiking, visiting the zoo, etc. Sunshade makes the price point worth it.

I have the Osprey Poco. Love it. Kids love it too. I have an older version with stirrups so the kids legs aren’t

Excellent write-up. I LOVE reading about EVE. Now I want the new season of The Expanse to start now!

Good. Sony. Focus on the animated side and re-up the contract with Marvel for the live action side. Everyone benefits!

Well. It’s not like the director will have anymore episodes of Jessica Jones to film after season 3...

Awesome! My mom’s home island. For anyone visiting the Philippines, put Cebu as one of your destinations. Some of the best beaches in the entire country. 

Well shit. I scrolled back up to see it and now I can’t unsee it. 

Agree on all your points including the changing of the Ancient One.

I have a coworker who bought 2 on a Black Friday sale! I didn’t have the heart to tell him he made a mistake. He just bought his first house and went crazy buying all this stuff to fill it (another dumb thing to do).

Except you’re only making him Asian because of martial arts? Adopted by whites and out of touch with his culture? Wtf? So you want a story where he goes to asia and becomes Asian again then comes back to the states and now he has to grapple with being more Asian?

Fuck D&C. I hope he gets caught and thrown out. Then hopefully his HR finds out about their relationship. Being cheated on sucks and being a cheater in the end also sucks. 

Is there anyway to watch the Runaways without Hulu? Wifey and I watch all of the MCU (using the term lightly) shows and movies except that one since we already used our free trial before the it came out. We’d like to catch up so we’ll know what’s going on in the crossover.

Username checks out. 

It’s amazing how much your comment nails it. Seriously. 

Full Metal Jacket. She was the sniper they had to take out. 

Nah. He’s just trying to get his chance to sue the Fortnite developers. 

It’s awesome that you called them “up-swinging doors” rather than “lambo doors.” Even lambos don’t do that shit anymore!