Full Metal Jacket. She was the sniper they had to take out.
Full Metal Jacket. She was the sniper they had to take out.
Nah. He’s just trying to get his chance to sue the Fortnite developers.
It’s awesome that you called them “up-swinging doors” rather than “lambo doors.” Even lambos don’t do that shit anymore!
Also for the SO’s/dads. Be there for the mother of your child. You might be having a hard time, but I can assure you she’s having it a million times worse. Be attentive even when you’re tired. Don’t just rollover when the baby is crying. Emotional and mental support are just as important as physical support, maybe…
Yeah I got to admit it could be.
“...hope to never cheat on them”
I can’t stop laughing. That was great.
I mean... You’re not wrong.
What does everyone think the width of the tires is in the rendering? Like 305? They’re huge.
Nope. But I have a local store that I go to. Great old game seller too. I don’t risk ever buying pre street date games because I don’t want to take a chance in the publisher/developer bricking my game. And it’s not right.
The microchips in Chinese made toasters are spying on you.
This never makes sense to me. Took my Jetta to a local VW dealership for years since they always treated me well, even for a broke college student. The Jetta is long gone (thanks wifey) but when a used, non-VW car that we wanted popped up at the dealership we went there with no hesitation. Took some negotiating, but…
Wow. The amazon email would give the reasons a lot of validity.
Gaming wise? I guess.
The line for corporate distribution of gaming yes.
You are wrong. It’s not about the wait. It’s the loss of income for the small business owner that’s the issue.
No. There are many things that happen in this world that are terrible. Just because this particular problem hits home with me doesn’t mean I care less about any of the other problems.
This is some f’ed up crap. This is how we allow corporations control everything. I used to not care, but this is getting out of control.
Wait. Are all of those illustrations/cgi? The first few look like cosplay photos.
And thanks for speaking for all straight males. What is conventionally attractive?