I was hoping for a bundle with the system. Do they do that anymore?
I was hoping for a bundle with the system. Do they do that anymore?
I was hoping for a bundle with the system. Do they do that anymore?
I was hoping for a bundle with the system. Do they do that anymore?
For which this niche audience doesn’t typically buy new anyway.
Love the tilt shift header photo. Honestly thought it was a diorama at first.
Pontiac Aztek. Lets end the debate on that ugly thing.
Oh holy crap. Can’t unsee.
Oh holy crap. Can’t unsee.
Right???? Straight out of an Austin Powers movie.
Yes I disagree with you. The green Halo edition original Xbox and the N64 color editions were awesome. This PS4 looks particularly well done.
Absolutely agree. Little Rider1 knows to call his penis a penis. He has normalized the word and won’t think it’s taboo. The second you tell your kids something is taboo, they will do or say it. Every... damn... time...
That’s the first time I’ve heard someone use posse comitatus correctly.
Remember when people were hating Microsoft for doing something like this? Except they were doing it for AI purposeds. Then they backtracked and didn’t end up doing it. I do. It was funny then. Still is now.
Any pictures of the back lift gate open with the third row up? I never see pictures like that.
Holy shit. I remember seeing a headline about that, but what heck? If you took a close up of the open box and asked people what they were, everyone would guess eggs.
Damn it. This made me laugh. I’m a father of a soon to be 3 year old.
I’m betting the neighbors were older folks.
Michelle, are you secretly watching the Rider1 family baby cams?
I still remember buying and playing this for the first time with my little brother. After the one of the early saves we could do, we decided to take a break. When we walked to the kitchen, our mom asked us why we looked so pale.
Four bald Asian guys in a car. No joke. All IDs checked. Nothing. Let us go.
Awwwww shiet. Utada? She’s my jam. Back in college, I imported all of her CDs. Yes CDs. Posters, advertisements, magazines, etc. Those were the days...
Government pushing the “Florida Man” conspiracy again...