
You're dishonestly accusing me of tolerating his views just because I say that unprovoked assault is bad. If you don't like it then don't set yourself up for it.

"That kind of sounds like a form of tolerance to me."

"You're still insisting Nazism is something which should be tolerated"

"And yet the comparison completely unravels because you know very well that there is nothing as universally abhorrent as nazism."

"Again, the ""…but that doesn't mean you can attack them" which I'm
supposedly 'dodging' is the whole crux of my point, because you're
drawing a comparison between two completely different levels of
ideology, saying "you wouldn't hit someone who is a feminist, so why
would you hit someone who's a nazi?". I don't think

"Saying "don't let your imagination assume" before or after you make your point doesn't absolve it of being a bad one."

The comparison was that they are both ideologies that result in a lot of angry people. And no, because I know you will let your imagination assume what I mean if I don't say otherwise, I am not in the slightest bit implying that they are comparable beliefs.

They heard it from you and not me for a reason.

I never said that, you just imagined it.

I'm most definitely not alt-right in the slightest. As for the example, I saw this post on Imgur the other day by some guy saying how mistreatment of all muslims only helped ISIS rally support for their cause. I brought it up because it was another example of attacking a group resulting in the negative fringe gaining

"Total deflection. This is about Nazis, yet you worry about hypothetical Non-Nazis getting more than the actual Nazis at hand."

Both are punching people you don't like in response to what they say. Since neither are harming anyone, especially in the moment they would be punched, there is no relevant difference between the two.

First off that's ignoring the point made, branding anyone you don't like as a Nazi whether they are or not as a justification for unprovoked violence. Second, I don't care if they believe that everyone but them deserves to be tortured for all eternity, that still does not justify walking up to them while they are

So rather than address the argument made you instead try to find an excuse to ignore it? Why bother replying in that case?

Both are games about punching people you don't like in response to what they say, that's it.

ISIS use evidence of attacks against muslims and their beliefs in order to build up support for their cause. They openly admit they want the west to turn against all muslims in their countries so they can gain more people for their ranks.

You're branding people you don't like as Nazis to justify attacking them and not listening to what they have to say. People can do the same thing to you.

" even if Spencer and Milo aren't literally Nazis, they certainly support one."

What works to defeat the bad guys in video games rarely works the same way in real life.

"Yes because God forbid if the guys calling for ethnic cleansing begin to demonize us."