LMAO You know you fucked up when Congress actually does something about it.
LMAO You know you fucked up when Congress actually does something about it.
Is every article this company let you write biased to all hell? I dont think I’ve seen a single article of yours I have agreed with. How you still have a job here I wonder...
This article is horrible. First of all, you dont know MMA. Fallon Fox has beat the shit out of all of his female opponents. All were one sided fights. Ronda is right about the structure of the body is still a Male structure. Plus she was taking hormones! Very unfair for the opponents. Anyways who cares what she had to…
Sorry can’t agree with this article for the reasons give. The Sandy Hook shit is just stupid and nothing you can do about dumb. As for what she said about Fox , what is actually wrong with it. She basically said that her physicality regardless of the changes she went through would give her an advantage. Now she may…
I was born male, transitioned to female, lived that way for 8 years before deciding it wasn’t the path I wanted to stay on. Took hormones, took test blockers, the whole shebang (other than changing up the downstairs). Anecdotally I can say that I absolutely, 100% had a physical advantage (even as someone who did not…
People have terrible taste.
People have terrible taste.
Who the hell voted in this? Really?
Who the hell voted in this? Really?
Shit, I don’t even drink coffee and I know that was a bad choice.
Shit, I don’t even drink coffee and I know that was a bad choice.
well this is the english-speaking western civilization that elected trump and voted for brexit, so
well this is the english-speaking western civilization that elected trump and voted for brexit, so
You guys are basic as fuck. Foldgers is literal bottom shelf shit.
You guys are basic as fuck. Foldgers is literal bottom shelf shit.
For top players, gaining consistency takes hundreds of hours of repetition, until reaction becomes muscle memory.
Roman Maroni is right, though. Your “F U Pikachu” and quite a few other articles make you come off like a nag. It’s like you prefer complaining because that’s what you’re best at.
It’s not easy being a Steam developer these days. Even once-successful creators are falling on hard times.