
You’re all wrong!  What is need is a Honda Fit... which has a good shifter, forgiving clutch and not too much power.  Having a vehicle with lots of power can actually make it harder to learn stick in my view. 

Remember “the Caddy that zigs”...?

I have some hope that the 2020's will be as wacky an era as the 70's were; electrification may do that. But some overlooked gems from that era: Triumph TR-7 (such a departure from the TR-6). Fiat’s X1-9, still the closest thing to a car version of an X-wing from Star Wars. Crazier that that Dodge hatchback was the AMC

Huge pickups that will never have anything in the bed. The dudes who buy these are insecure people who are overcompensating by trying to buy their perception of masculinity. Why does it bother me? Because they also drive like 14-year-old bullies who were thrown a set of keys by their drunk old-man. But hey, maybe they

..... or a circa 1982 arcade game character!

It would help if people stopped using the word “invest.” That gives it an air of legitimacy that it hasn’t earned and doesn’t deserve.

Newly retired and have drawn my 2nd SS check. It will be another 153 months before I ever start collecting more than I and my employers have contributed over the decades. And I doubt I will make it to age 75.

Wot, no Bulldog?

Don’t worry. This, too, shall pass. And in the future there will be more fools investors.

The Acura badge.

The second gen Insight was an egregious example of phoning one in. It was a 10% smaller Prius with 10% less efficiency and initially with NiMh chemistry batteries. I owned three 1st gen Insights, one with a 220hhp K20a swap and can attest that after the monumentally great engineering of the first one, the second was

The hydrogen fuel cell FCX Clarity comes to mind. Not that it was a bad design or vehicle, but it was a bet on a hydrogen future that never came to fruition.

Or just embarrass other kinks.  I don’t want some skinny gamer girl I want Gerda, the Eastern European weight lifter with hands she can just crush me with!! 

The mods worry me more than the mileage. Still, this is about as low an entry price as you’ll get for an S2000 with a clean title and mods that are easily undone. NP. 

It’s ‘cause he hurts the “right people.”

My Italian Mamma’s version. Toasted bread, slathered with butter, a few slices of layered prosciutto topped with thin sliced red onions drizzled with some nice olive oil and maybe a sprinkle of coarse salt and fresh cracked pepper. I leave off the salt and pepper, don’t always toast the bread if high quality and will

Yeah, they really should have just stuck with ILX; but then they wouldn’t have received all this free press.

This is the worst way to bring back a storied name. I don’t think a Type S/R would save it, since it’ll just be a clone of the CTR. The new ‘Integra’ doesn’t need to exist. And most certainly not in this form.

It’s a shame really, the engine in the ILX seems more desirable.

Here in the devil’s armpit (PHX), convertible season is more from October to May. The best summer convertible is something with a hardtop to keep the AC in and the heat out on the hottest days. Top down is a nighttime activity. My E93 BMW is honestly fantastic. Had a Mini before, and the AC just couldn’t keep up even