
I'm not your bud, friend

I'm not your pal, guy

No it doesn't. And I'm not your friend, guy.

Do your own research snowflake.

Congratulations, you are a stereotype and a fool.

Are you proud of yourself for lobbing insults at random strangers over an Oscars acceptance speech?

Aww another snowflake. "Responding to insults hurt's the feelings of the insulter.". OPPRESSOR!!!!!

Aww ,are you triggered snowflake because an actor spoke about acting instead of politics. Do you need a safe space little guy?

Wait a minute. She gave a speech about artistry, talent, appreciation, and love and she didn't feel the need to insult anyone's political beliefs?

Liberals love movies where America is considered the bad guys. Oh the poor misunderstood Islamic Terrorists..I feel so sorry for them. We should let them kill anyone they want.