Rico Muscatel

That episode was awful. Voyager hitting rock bottom. Star Trek does Pro Wrestling should have never happened.

As far as actual acting goes, Johnson’s turn as the gay bodyguard in Be Cool is his highwater mark, in so far as he actually tried to play someone not himself.

While Gunn is clearly a parodyist through and through, often the key to good parody is a deep understanding and appreciation for the object of parody.

There’s only one version of the future, though, and it has a linear timeline, so how would creating a new stub even work from a stub created by RI? Wouldn’t they suddenly have to remember having another one that they also sent all the future tech to? Without that the tech to connect to the future wouldn’t exist in the

It seemed like Peripheral got lost in the shuffle, what with RoP and Andor and all the other genre streaming shows. It’s also not part of a legacy franchise, so that might explain the lack of coverage.

The novel sticks which a more clearer and classic plot: a murder whodunnit. Gibson uses the structure and tropes of classic forms so he can get weird elsewhere. The show did too much weird with both the world and the plot for most people. It’s like Weird Alice in Weird Wonderland. You need a baseline. Alice needs to

I didn’t mind the finale although it definitely feels like they would have been better served with ten episodes as opposed to eight. I wish it had stuck the landing a little better but I think it still ranks high in my ranking of top genre shows for the season (Andor takes first place, this and Interview with the

I have to say I enjoyed the show, and the premise. I agree on the last episode, though. While the characters were as entertaining as usual, I just don’t get it.

As mentioned in Crystal Skull, i  know, i know, Indy WAS a spy during WW II.

most io9 articles would just be press releases quoted in their entirety if we held them to that standard lol!

It also would be better to just not comment when your comment provides no value to the point being made and only serves for you to yell “get off my lawn!”

Why not just use the technology to make the whole movie? 

Matt Ryan Constantine > Keanu-tine.

I’ve seen plenty of commentary that Andor doesn’t feel like Star Wars, but watching the prison arc, I was very strongly reminded of a George Lucas film... I would be very interested to know whether they drew deliberate inspiration from THX 1138, as there are definite parallels there! I’ve yet to see anyone comment on

I like Andor, but then again I also think “Rogue One” is the best Star Wars movie after the original trilogy.

The great thing about Andor is that you could change the setting to WW2 Europe, change Galactic Empire to the Nazis and the Rebels to the French Resistance and you’d still basically have the same story. The Star Wars stuff is just set dressing. In a way it’s a lot closer to what George Lucas did with the original Star

I agree, Keanu’s Constantine was entertaining if not really capturing the spirit of the comics Constantine in the same way that Matt Ryan did. If they ever get around to writing a script (a fairly important component) and making it I would watch too though I somewhat doubt it happens 

Apparently I am so starved for The Boys news that I thought that was A Train in the lede photo.  Oops.