Rico Muscatel

Well darn. This just made my weekend. 

The Flash just needs to drop the idea of a season-long Big Bad. It doesn’t really work for him IMO, and every season ends up hitting really similar beats.

You’re not alone. A friend said Posey would have been the perfect Lois and she was right. If only.

Parker Posey as Lois Lane would have been fucking awesome.

Totally agree. Superman Returns is super underrated. Yes, it’s a love letter to the Reeve movies. I’m ok with that.

Spacey was born to play a machievelian narcissist (irl too, apparently). And even though Parker Posey’s role was a bit too campy for my taste, the dysfunctional, co-dependent relationship her character had with Lex was fascinating. They sincerely loved each other in a sick, emotionally abusive way.

It really is. Someone complained on another site it showed Superman being weak, but hang on, it’s Superman saving people (points there), but also realizing he’s so powerful he’d burst through the plane or basically Gwen Stacy everyone, so he has to use his powers in a smart way to safely stop the plane. It’s an

I think the stalker critique is overplayed, but I get what people mean. Funny enough, your dad’s reaction was similar to my reaction to seeing Batman Begins at 14. Per my parents, they kept looking at me and I had a massive grin on my face. I was simply in awe at Returns.

Cavill lacks any warmth or charisma. He can do aloof charm, a la Man from UNCLE. He also just doesn’t look like Superman (he looks more like a Hal Jordan type). Routh not only picked up on what Reeve got right, but added more nuance and range and was fantastic.


It’s too bad Spaccy somehow ended up being a bigger scumbag than Luthor. 

The “Superman Returns wasn’t that bad and Routh deserved another crack at it” club is hereby called to order and all members are advised to draw near and make themselves heard.

Actually I always liked Spacey’s role as Lex Luthor, that made the movie enjoyable for me.

I know of Agents of SHIELD from this site and all the mentions in pop culture internet, but I’ve managed to never have seen a video or clip of it until this very trailer.

I freaking love this show.

How long has James Cameron been on the Avatar set now?  84 years? 

A several years ago, I might have agreed with that sentiment without hesitation..

True but I think Sarge is Colson .

Spoiler TV has a synopsis for “New Life,” the two-part season finale of Agents of SHIELD.

I can’t fucking believe this. And I also can’t fucking believe there are so many people out there willing to let Trump, specifically, do it all.