Rico Muscatel

NOt a pretty sight.

Ironically, the retired Bears are my favorite Bears.

It bugs me that it bugs you.

World record holder in the javelin catch.

Messi Hurt; Assaulted by Math

This might be the hottest take in a thread filled with hot takes.

Bradley turned the ball over so much he may as well have put on an Argentina jersey. He looked terrified out there.

Tell that to Croatia. The sad truth is that the USMNT is in no better position than it was before Klinsmann was hired, and some might even argue it’s taken steps backwards.

“Found you!”

Wondo’s mom brings the orange slices for halftime sooooo

How the fuck Bradley and Zusi were allowed to play a full 90 is beyond me.

Pregame for the USWNT at the 2016 Rio ShitOlympics starts now.

Michael Bradley would be the midfield boss regardless. And I’m not convinced that he is capable of completing a pass against quality competition.

okay, but what a shit lineup.

Jabroni is #10

Who does Darlington Nagbe have to kill to get into the starting XI?

The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense.

It's just so weird... I can't get over how fugly this is.