Rico Muscatel

Why this middle aged Barbie?  She win a contest or something?

How about getting off your asses and living life instead of watching someone act out theirs?  Maybe read a book or ride a bike.  Who’s got time for all this crap?  Now get the hell off my lawn.

Why does our society need professional critics of any kind? What’s the point of criticizing others’ dress, hair, art or architecture other than to demonstrate someone else’s superior taste or opinion? I do enjoy people’s praise of other’s work or style choices or performances, but really have no interest in criticism.

Reading is a skill.

Don’t you have a wine club meeting to attend?

Just so you know, there are also activists who will run people out in Bernie shirts at various events just to cause trouble. This happened at a Trump event in Chicago, where our local machine congressman Gutierrez gave Bernie shirts to a bunch of local union types to go in and cause a scene, after which Trump

First of all, the comments by Rep Omar were not anti-semitic in the first place. Clinton was just spewing the party line, which is typically pro-Israel. Then to start off with as an American, makes it sound like they said, that she was more American than Omar, being an immigrant. Just another so-called implication of

Thank you Jeebus!

You’re writing bullshit.  Wake up.

Its not an OK sign. Be blind if you so choose.

See Steven Miller and WP signs.  This is not new in this administration.

She got the text and then flashed and held the symbol, later to be replaced in her spot by Condi Rice. There are other pictures of her and some other frat boy types flashing these signs floating around, so this is no accident. Trolling or not, it’s despicable and tells you what kind of people this judge surrounds

This isn’t the first time he has done something like that in his position, I would wager. Someone should look into his church and talk to some of his parishioners..  there’s likely some bad stuff behind this guy’s charming public persona.

I want one.

And be dead by 62 :)

This children shit is ridiculous. 16 year olds are holding down jobs and paying taxes. Everybody matures differently. Some girls started having sex at 13-14 and are pretty savvy by 16. Still wrong on is part, but I cannot stand the outrage. Priests been molesting boys for generations, and where’s the charges there? 

Like a 16 year old boy getting laid by a hot 23 year old teacher.  Totally abused and smiling for years.  Come on man.

At any high school in America, I would guess there are at least a half dozen girls dating guys over 20. I know when I first started teaching, I would run into students of mine in the bars out with fake IDs. Monday mornings could be awkward.

I agree.. some guys like young girls, and regardless of modern sensitivities, this has been going on for thousands of years.  I’m sure these girls parents must have known their daughters were living with him.  What parent would let their 16 year old move in with a 33 year old Hollywood actor.  That’s troubling in

Nah, he got to ride in front and work the sirens on the way in.  She got taken to the nearest secluded spot for a quick strip search.