Rico Muscatel

Just looking at the list of features here, and thinking about how most all are derivative works of some soft, with original concepts in this industry so few and far between. Is the entertainment industry so lacking in creative writing that it must continually go back to old material or books? How many Batmans and

Subscription model..budget < or = to subscriptions paid. If it doesn’t pull the numbers to support the whole model, they just go back to 1960's paper mache boulders and crappy sets.

Donald Trump says Hail Hydra!

Maybe his 185 pound frame? The stunt double looks more jacked.

And dumb as a turnip.

No, nearly half the people who bothered to show up to vote or were allowed to vote, chose him on the ballot. That’s quite a smaller percentage of all people of voting age.

Robert Knepper is the death of any show. Will not watch anything with him on it.

So this explains a lot.

This has to be sarasm or attempt at humor?

Thanks for featuring these dumbasses’ actual accounts.

The headline makes it sound like she had him held down and mutilated. Maybe she said, she hoped he would have it done.

That’s like mid 80s

Oh, Aunt May...

Why is the current version of Michael Bradley and Clint Dempsey still starting on this team? Surely they cannot be expected to play in Russia? Would like to see the younger players on the pitch now. Not loping vets who run twice a game.

He died in the future. And they can put mob witnesses in protective custody, but Joe can’t hide Iris someplace and not tell anyone? Take her to Australia for a couple months. The whole thing is just so silly. I can’t stand it and will be glad when it is neatly concluded. Also, why not bring back that little

It would be hard to replicate the creepy George C Scott charachter’s infatuation with the little girl in today’s world. That would be like casting Chuck Norris as a pedo in a pony tail.

Just can’t get enough news about Cars 3. This has got be the place to go for Cars 3 news and spoilers.

Ah, the effect of a sadistic, unscrupulous father. So many parallels with our current man child in chief.

Maybe Howie Long would have been good.

Heck, they’ve already shown Thanos a couple times and he’s not going to look much different with Brolin under all the prosthetics and makeup. Hardly identifiable would be my guess, but we’ll see soon enough.