Rico Muscatel

Why do you have to be an ass?

Was so looking forward to Charlie Jane’s take on the Expanse and discussions.

They need to just say no. Who wants to see high blood pressure Kirk? Carrie Fisher was hard enough to take.

Well, they said some characters will come and go, so I think they will adjust as the audience provides feedback. Pleasantly surprised, especially with the effects budget. Was expecting it to be much more shlocky.

I’d like to apply for that gig.

Come on.. this is discriminatory. Where’s Chis Christie and Mike Huckabee, rhymes with Fuckabee?

Didn’t you ask any men.. or how about Libertarian Girl?

But this looks like it’s on Krypton, and he was sent off as a baby, so this is confusing. It doesn’t look like Smallville.

So an article introducing an ad on this page, or just one big paid ad?

It was hilarious when Mulder pulled an extra bottle out of his pocket, like Guy Mann. Made me think the whole thing was some kind of dream state or psychotic episode on Mulder’s part, which is what the shrink was getting at.

Time has past, they’re older and more jaded. They’re going to give you younger, more serious versions of Mulder and Scully to carry the show forward.

Wah-wah. Great episode. Maybe you resented the tranny-pross as they used to call them on Hill Street Blues actually being on crack.

People don’t watch shows like the X-Files to see a Utopian view of society. Did you ever think that maybe just the dialog that has been generated about the charachter as a result would

And the notion that you barely need to be human or know anything to work in a cell phone store was pretty funny.

I’d just like to know how this type of crapola gets funding in the first place, when there are so many better places that money could have gone. This may have a chance to become a cult comedy classic.

I would think pulling a dress over your head would be easier than pulling on pants, and it’s hardly short. It’s knee length sitting down after all.

It was in another bag.

I think his first reaction is to side with the call on the field even if he’s seeing something else and that’s a trap that’s hard to escape.

I know, I’m close to retirement with a kid still in high school. I could also have a kid and grand kids that I know nothing about.

With all the budget these production have, you’d think they could do something with his hairline. If they can put a full head of hair on Bruce Willis and SL Jackson, why not give him the full Superman do?

I figured him for mid 60s in the movie.. maybe life on the island was hard on him. I know life was hard on Leia despite the soft lenses.