infinite turkey

How - exactly - was it hackneyed?

What is this hypothetical audience that isn’t turned off by a 5 minute long pseudo-dance number of gruesome murder in a church but is turned off by consensual sex? Everyone I know who falls into the “yes gore, no sex” camp would also be super offended by that church scene.

I don’t know if that was supposed to be a nod towards James Bond getting laid at the end of every movie

Out of tune? The entire movie is an R rated homage to the Bond movies (before the Craig era) with very little fucks given about subtlety. Nearly every Bond movie ends with 007 having casual sex with whichever girl didn’t get killed halfway through the film. Why shouldn’t the Kingsmen do the same, but cranked up to an

Yeah but... the pun is brilliant. The hero gets the girl in the end.

the Blackhawks were swept out of the playoffs.

Deadspin is full of trolls....the Preds just beat the dog shit out of the Hawks and this is one of the first posts on the series. So lame.

What a weird fucking year.

It’s not lazy because I had to look up all those players. And I’m not saying he grew up in Appalachia therefore he’s racist. I’m saying it’s part of a puzzle and you don’t have to be a fucking genius to figure it out. He guns for black and Latino players. Consistently. And he’s a hothead. and he’s from rural North

I knew this was coming! Guess what? It’s NOT! Studying demographics and poll results in rural southern counties and making an educated guess after studying his documented behavior toward people of color is NOT the same as blindly hating black and Latino players and fighting with them! And the only time he’s ever

There’s a glaring absence of whiteness to the list of players Bumgarner has fought with: Puig, Jesus Guzman, Alex Guerrero, Jose Bautista, Adrian Beltre, Carlos Gomez and Delino Deshields. I’m sure his roots in the Appalachian foothills of rural North Carolina has nothing to do with it.

This is the wrongest wrong of all the wrongs.
