For those who cared to know how rare the Gated Manual 6Speed R8 is.. Straight from Audi USA
For those who cared to know how rare the Gated Manual 6Speed R8 is.. Straight from Audi USA
Call and make the offer. Ask and ye MIGHT receive.
Fuck off, lib.
Have you read The Fountainhead?
I realize gawker media pressures these sort of articles into being (because our betters want to condition people into their schemes) but really there’s no necesscary relationship between EU membership and trade. Trade can be far freerer outside the dictates the EU or less free depending on how it is decided to be.
In a blog post, he blamed the attack on ISIS. “Of course there has been a knee-jerk call for more gun control. (The New York Daily News’ headline the day after the shooting was “THANKS, NRA”). Some gay-rights activists are blaming the “Christian Right.” Planned Parenthood blames “toxic masculinity” (whatever that…
Aaaand that’s only a small fraction of what a Sanders supporter would have done if he/she saw it was someone openly supporting Trump. Not looking at things the other way around are we? I can sit here all day and show instances where the violence and hostility is caused more by Sanders supporters unable to control…
Wow, not even Super Nintendo Chalmers believes in government education.
You don’t buy this for the car, you buy this for the provenance. I swear the uncouth writing on this site make me want to go take another champagne shower.
WBS until death.
Communism and communists sucks! So does socialism. Go CAPITALISM!!
It’s pretty difficult to take T’s comments “out of context” when they show whole events beginning to end. A lot of the difficulty, I think, is that people hear what they want to hear. And of course the bandwagon mentality is in full effect.
We all know about how lame Trump is..
When asked about his spare pedal, Mason backpedaled, “Humans are naturally bipedal. So I went in to buy a pedal. That way, when someone asks what’s with the pedal, I can put the pedal to the metal and peddle my pedal nonsense."
Amen brother. He’s the only one who has accomplished jack shit out of all the candidates. Yes, he inherited a few bucks at the beginning, but look at all the presidents that had the wealth of the US and ran it into the ground.
Wait. You’re defending an asshole?
They are also shit as is trump
I do continue to “enjoy” the “open-minded, intellectual, unbiased” writing (if one can cal it that) I see on this board....