Super Nintendo Chalmers

Or pay attention to the road and drive and a more reasonable rate of speed. You can continue to obey the lowest common denominator rate of speed while playing with your iPhone and sipping on your bubble tea.

If Porsche can do it right, well gaddmumit, we can do it righter!

It’s Friday Lunch time.... their weekend began 24 hours ago.

Ahhh.. You’re one of those 15 year olds in “information gathering mode” hoping to get an edge on the rest of the boys if you ever hope to get that elusive BJ before end of Summer. Good luck to you little guy and remember... if they’re fat its more likely they’ll only try harder.

Look... It’s either this or ...

Dat Shoe!

5mph? GTFOH

or just stop voting, period. It only legitimizes a Politician’s perceived right to steal and plunder. / exist.

The Snake in a suit is what we need again, right?

You realize voting for a different asshole won’t fix things though, right? Chicken shit or Dog shit, what’s your pleasure?

Chew Chew Pass..

You realize I’m talking about the general theory of weakening currencies and not specifically this smaller readjustment from the Yuan-Dollar Peg, right?

beggar thy neighbor, - and it won’t work. At the end of the day they’re getting ahead of Yellen and hedging their asses with a SHIT-ton of gold.

weaker currencies only help in the short term at the expense of the longer term. Weaker currency = higher input costs for future production. There’s no such thing as a free lunch - so this perceived benefit always comes at a greater cost.

Traffic sucks, so why not start your morning off with some shitty music.


Haven’t seen much Capitalism either... looks we have something in common.

You see Capitalism? Do you also see ghosts?

Very interesting... tell me more about this story.

Yes my fault, I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience. I mean, its not like I do this with everything else for sale on earth.