Super Nintendo Chalmers

keep going... keep going.... keep going....

they made a lot more of the other one if we're going to be fair. Anyway, yeah the Rich are getting Richer - thank your Federal Reserve and 0% interest rates on savings and borrowing/Gambling!

Only I give away internet gold for free. You remember that pal!

At Dodge, we make FORD GT... but with more slither and less fuel economy.

Hey buddy, go f*ck yourself.

"Neek me chawa, wermo, mo killee ma ka nunkee"

Now playing

any chance to have an Easy E Mock up was good enough for me.

If we're going to be fair about the list, NO ONE asked for the Coupe except for a small handful of engineers who had to do a lot of convincing. The rest of these cars did have both technically and realistically more support.

87 octane gonna' hurt my 03' M5. Pfffttt....

How can it be "bad faith" if neither party knows if/when the car will come in? If the contract refers to a time period associated with a refund, then there is no breach, no unless a car is allotted to the buyer and the buyer doesn't receive it.

Where in a contract is the term "luck" written?

Don't see the problem here. Down payment gets you on the list and you hope the number of cars increase while eventually number of depositors decrease. If you aren't lucky enough to get your car, you get your money back.

My midengine brings all the boys to the yard,