
Ya’ll are bunch of idiots. Its my choice to take or add anything to the game, not theirs. Respect that. For them to decide wether i want or need anything is not cool. Ya’ll keep riding your high horses thinking your in the right. For diversity, you need to have the options. If you dont, your being the Nazi your

Imagine being upset by an optional mod... Both sides are thin-skinned babies.

WHeather or not you Gree with the mod, it's pretty unprofessional to report the users as "toxic losers"

Not a theory. A fact. That’s why I posted pictures of the pedophile pimp at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding. Neither party does a thing to put abusers like Bill in jail. That is a fact. Don’t care what evil fake feminists like you say when you lie to protect abusers. Ignore reality all you want but you can’t protect Bill

Lying pedophile defenders like Jennifer don’t deal in facts. They don’t live in reality. They don’t want to talk about how the Democrats and Republicans do nothing about Epstein.   They can’t defend their position so they ignore reality and facts that prove to something dark in this country that the elites do.  

Personally I would love AI over actual humans because opinions are starting to matter more and more than actual facts.

I challenge any one of you to outwork me, but you won’t,

You may not “like” homeopathy and “think” it is hocum. Why dont you try it before dismissing it? Homeopathy has a 220+ year well documented clinical record for long term cures of serious acute and even “incurable” chronic diseases. Get a book and treat yourself for minor acutes or seek a practitioner for serious acute

Placebo effect has been studied and found only acting short term while taking the placebo, for conditions that have a strong psychological component like pain. Homeopathy has 220+ years of well documented long term cures of serious acute and even “incurable” chronic conditions.

Why dont you publish an article by someone who knows a little more about homeopathy than, “They are too diluted; they cant work.” For example homeopathic provings where healthy volunteers take the medicine to carefully record symptoms caused, are NOT done with the undiluted substance. They are done with the extremely

Didn’t proposing that hypothesis get you banned on Twitter once upon a time?

You don’t even need the paper nowadays. You can get elected to the US Congress by straight up lying that you even went to college. It’s almost like no one gives a shit.

As a kid I remember being pulled out of class in third grade and being taken to the library for a *special* reading class! It was because I was “really good at reading” - hooray! What was I going to do in this class? Well, you read more books, and then wrote extra reports on them. You had to read a book a week or

I think this is what a civilization in decline looks like.

You’re correct that grades are more important than what they’re learning, let alone problem solving skills. It’s ridiculous.

Fired 75% of free loaders, restored free speech, cut collusion and exposed FBI/NSA and CIA corruption. The company is still running and gaining subscribers. Any questions?

transparency.  governance.

I would argue the internet isn’t pissed...just a group of very vocal people. It doesn’t help either that every blog and gaming blog keeps writing the same story saying the same exaggerated things. The only people really talking about it are blogs looking for clicks. Right now there are 378k people playing it on steam

Not when you pay for plans that allow access on X number of devices or Y number of concurrent streams. Standard plans have allowed you to stream to any 2 at the same time. The language about where those need to be is new. It’s very different than those analogies.