
you just dont like that i am right and have an argument you cant logic your way out of. good job ya retard.

where are your numbers from? those arent the numbers we are seeing. infections are up, hospitalizations and mortality are WAY down.

the vaccine afflicted me with myocarditis.

not with omicron. before .. sure i can buy your argument....but now forcing injections for 30 percent efficacy is ludicrous.

that was true wave 1 and 2... not now...

if they spent half on healthcare, of what they did on vaccines they could have weathered it easily. did it help in the past?... that is what we were told, but now its useless.

bullshit, they do harm. killed a healthy friend of mine while he was walking with his daughter (sudden adult death) mysteriously 2 weeks after vaccination, caused myocarditis in me and several friends.  keep spewing your coolaide drinking propaganda you muppet.

being healthy and active kept me out of the hospital because i am not obese, i eat healthy.  what the vaxxine gave me was myocarditis.

please be more condescending.  you arent being elitist enough.

“Are vaccines obsolete?

i am sad that he just goes to far. i like that he tweaks sjw and woke culture.

why would anyone from a developed nation want to move to Canada-ledesh?

Now playing

no guns found in ottawa. the ones in Alberta were known decagon members known to rcmp that were using the convoy as cover. in the articles you provided .. the leaders of the protests shut things down in order to not have that bs element drag them down.

False claims included a March 19 Toronto Star story that police found “weapons inside some of the trucks,” that “loaded shotguns were found.” None were found. Other false allegations included:

i know it doesnt matter how much evidence and articles i give you, you are going to fluff it off and say something disrespectful. if you are actually going to read it, ill compile them. i have an open mind and actually thoughtfully consider what people say, checking my bias.  i havent seen many other people willing to

haha, not even close. hundreds of charges are dropped. no one has been convicted. come back when you have something useful to contribute.

i love how you are so blinded by your self righteousness. you are wrong, but your head is so far up your ass and into the main stream media that you have no idea what is actually going on. talk to me when you stop being a stupid lemming and learn to get actual facts and both side of the story.

more time has passed... and proven you are wrong.  are you going to own up and apologize yet?

his only mistake was not paying off Fauci to promote it. if he did that he would have been hailed as a hero, and could have made bank.

do you ever get tired of being wrong?  think before you speak.