
Elon has bettered Steve’s contribution to humanity by an order of magnitude.

In the book it said he just let her go. Ise was asking for a c level pay raise because she as managing c level projects. He said go on vacation and I’ll see if you are worth the raise, then canned her when she got back. There seems to be a lot of published material that says Elon doesn’t value people or skills. He

You want more features in Google now, and me being in Canada, I want to use cortana. If you want a better messaging platform switch to signal. I think it’s the best out there and it’s all encrypted.

There really isn’t anyone else that can take on Isis. One distributed guerilla group to fight another. May look xenophobic but probably more accurate than you expect.

Yes but first you have to have the right people in the right roles, according to researcher Jim Collins. Just starting, isn’t better when you don’t have a vision or functional team.

Wish there would be someone that would advocate and do for woz, like woz does for Steve. I wanna be like woz when I grow up.

Are the days of Apple innovation dead? Sad to see them always playing catch up. Can’t seem to come up with anything innovative since Steve died.

Why is the inverse possible. That one thing can get you down for years?

1 i am on alertec. helps me be alert durint the day and when its time for bed. boom i am out

you missed something. you have to write it by hand. typing doesnt work the same. also it helps with incidents but an ongoing problem with a constant trigger requires more measures.

brazing means welding with bronze which has a melting point of 930 and copper is 1084, heating the copper that high makes it brittle. stronger bond but inneficient. especially if you have to fix something. solder also is easier to control with heat

i love littlebits but man are they expensive. and the larger sets seem to charge extra for the same pieces. i guess the business model is to target schools with a lot of money.

i understand what you are trying to say with this, but it isvery incorrect. best contractors and finish people i know have dirty cars with cups and such because they are exhausted when they get home at night. ask for job references from friends. itvis the only way.

i self diagnose all the time. often when i go to my doctor she listens to me and confirms the diagnosis the prescribes something saving her and me time. not all diagnosis requires a scalpel.

suing someone is part of American culture. it doesn't work so well in other countries.

hopefully between this and codius lawyers can be a thing of the past. the only compaints will be from lawyers and law professors.

you plan more in dnd than other fames because most of it is a dubgeon or tower crawl. the key is to not plan too much. have your floor plans ready and security keasures but wing the rest. most of the really cool adventures i had were me reacting to unexpected twists the players threw in my direction and i just went

i also am interested in this answer.

i want to see a game like ruse for the wii u. pass the controller make you moves then continue for the next person in the hotseat.

can we please branch out and get some nonmedia type people for hiw articles? some athletes, scientists or other interesting people. its starting to be repetative.