
I’ve had FSD on a Model 3 when it was only a $2k adder. It’s more like a 12 year old....with a death wish.

Maybe if you buy the $500 vroom vroom sound package, it’ll go faster for the same power...

So just about every car on the road should be illegal? Try putting your car in cruise control and letting go of the wheel on 95% of the cars on a highway and see how it ends. At least the tesla slowed considerably automatically in this case to the collision wasn’t as serious as it could have been.

I just noticed she looks like Brad

He’s not his brother because he literally shares neither a father or a mother with him.

“thanks in part to a National Park Service policy mandating hikers below 14,000-feet keep their waste with them until they’ve completed their climb. “Climbers and particularly guide services are really embracing the new policy and are even exceeding it.”

I’m thinking it ss more on the 198o’s Chevy Citation vibe...

No matter what method used to desalinate (RO, distillation), you will end up with more concentrated salinity somewhere. It’s just concentrated in the waste water. The fresh water will eventually make it back to the sea via rivers or rain, treated wastewater... They are not magically creating minerals on earth, just

Exactly! That was one of the most uninformed articles I’ve read here. AZ STAYS on MST and EVERYONE ELSE moves from Standard to Daylight time. They by no means move to “Pacific time”...ridiculous!

In 5 years, 100% of them will be rolled and destroyed from enthusiasts trying to actually use the steering wheel while trying to control their “supercar”.

You should try David Attenborough voice...even better!

Long focal lengths/distance make the subject look more masculine-large neck, stockier face. Shorter focal lengths/distance makes people look more feminine-thinner neck, gaunt face.

“correct” literally is in the eyes of the beholder. Distance controls the perspective shown in the examples, and people are used to standing a certain distance from other people, so that is perceived as normal, which is why a 50mm is generally considered a “normal” lens. You tend to stand reasonably close to a person

Actually, the distance from camera to subject is what controls the perspective shown, not focal length. To keep framing the same with different lenses, you have to change the distance. However, if you take a shot with a 100mm lens, switch to a 50mm without moving and take another shot and crop it the same, they will

Or.....planets detectable in distant systems are seen mostly by inference in the amount of light the distant stars dim periodically from transit of planets. The odds of a transit observation are dramatically reduced the farther the planet is from the star (much like how less likely a Venus transit is from earth than a

Road on that one as a kid...had a great drop where you could catch air...my nephew flew off while racing and skinned the crap out of his entire body. No danger, no fun!