Wally Hamrlik

Pet Sounds is better than Sgt. Pepper, but so is Magical Mystery Tour.

"Forever Changes." That's a funny way to spell "Odessey and Oracle."

I believe it's spelled "flautist."

The fact that Intuition has yet to be included on any Lennon compilation is a fucking crime.

Or so the Germans would have us believe

I didn't realize your username before, but it's currently my favorite of all time.

Hot Rod was released about 9 years and 10 months ago, so you're wrong.

On Cinemaverse > MCU
I think comedy itself may have peaked with "Tim" bringing his wife Ayaka on an Oscar Special for the sole purpose of showing her a sub-freeware CGI representation of their recently deceased son (voiced by Tim) telling the world not to vaccinate.

He's totally in my face!

I didn't know there was this much green in the whole galaxy.

Roberts is probably always going to be seen as the literal doctor from Arrested Development. He was also, along with every other non-Brie Larson guest star, totally wasted in his role during the fourth season of Community.

Bruce Bickford's claymation is about the closest visual approximation of peak-era FZ music as is possible.

Frank Zappa's solo on Inca Roads, both the edited version on One Size Fits All and the full version on You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 2.

Maybe it's just my bias towards the song (imo his best so far), but the bit of "Deform to Form a Star" before the coda is my Steven Wilson solo of choice.

Time. Without the solo, it's a great song. With the solo, it's an experience.

He loses a bunch of weight and does a bunch of appearances on Comedy Bang! Bang!

Pepper is just funny! Right, guys?

*Paul Dinello waits in the wings*

Yeah yeah that's right razor sharp it's razor sharp