Wally Hamrlik

That's cold, crispin!

Critics are calling it everything from "shit" to "fuckin' shit".

*adjusts asshole glasses* actually that was for Ted Cruz

I felt the same way about Paul Shaffer on Letterman: brilliant musician, molasses for the monologue. Molassologue? Mono… d'oh.

I guess this won't be getting regular coverage, but I'll just say that this show is essential viewing when it isn't trying to be a standard late-night talk show and boring when it is. The interviews were mostly dispensable and the other segments alternated between fairly typical late-night talk show humor, hilariously

Just saw International Man of Mystery last night for the first time in years, mostly out of curiosity. It isn't perfect, but it's full of classic scenes and jokes (the Soup Nazi poker scene, Michael McDonald getting slowly rolled to death, and the infamous three-point turn will never fail to make me laugh). It's very

Meanwhile those unaired podcast episodes are gathering dust.

Main difference between the two: Norm is actually funny.

Oh man I hope this leads to more Tuck Buckford bits on Colbert.

Yet Infowars cooooon-TINUES to put out content.

I wouldn't call him an artist, but I do hate all things Jimmy Fallon… except for one skit he did on Late Night where it was The Doors performing the theme song from Reading Rainbow. He does a great Jim Morrison, the soundalike Doors music is spot-on, and the idea is really inspired. To paraphrase Mr. Plinkett, "This

Hopefully this time played by Conan O'Brien.

Storefront Hitchcock, though intentionally unambitious, perfectly captures Robyn Hitchcock's idiosyncratic style.

I doubt Ringo can make as ripping a lentil soup as Sir Paul.

22 and I still "go to the window" every few months.

Eating so much chili that you forget about your children: four and a half stars.

Maybe it's because Sanz is actually funny now.

An illustrious career of sexual harassment, forever tarnished by an association with Fox News.

With Bobby and possibly Vanessa on the way out, Beck is quickly becoming my favorite cast member. He's essentially the new Chris Parnell.