Wally Hamrlik

Does that make Ivanka the analogous Aubrey Plaza?

A sketch starring Bobby Moynihan is accused of theft? I posit that it was a setup. This whole situation is plagued by the stink of A Piece Of Toast.

Just because it wasn't factual doesn't mean it wasn't true.

Joel vs. Mike is apples vs. apples: you have plenty of apples, just fucking eat them.


Only if they're shot on location in a vacant lot.

Not literature, huh? Just wait until my expanded novel adaptation, Literature Nicholas.

The second one was WAYYYY worse than Spider-Man 3. Say what you will about Topher Grace and the admittedly dumb Emo Peter subplot, but 3 was at least a movie. ASM2 was a collection of loosely-connected scenes with no through line. And if we're talking about cheese: dubstep Electro, evil German mad scientist, that

But what about Dylan McDermott and Dermot Mulroney?

Well sir, this is like no game of knifey-spoony I'VE ever played before.

wax cylinders or gtfo

Wait a minute… Bruce Wayne - ruce Wy = … OH MY GOD

I have always thought in the back of my mind: cheese and onions.

The word "sweepings" still makes me uncontrollably giggle. It effectively encapsulates corporate greed like no other word in the English language.

Norm Macdonald, Dave Chappelle, then three other people.

(Scrambles to come up with a reference in place of an actual comment)

My fan theory is that all Pixar movies are made by the same company.

Bridging the gap.

Jon Glaser as Neon Joe, Jamm in Parks and Rec, Jon in Delocated, and Jon Glaser in Jon Glaser Loves Gear. All of them would be insufferable in real life due to their unbridled narcissism, awful punnery, intentionally dumb catchphrases, and nasty habit of loudly bursting into song, but somehow he makes it work.

She probably didn't care at the beginning, but grew to feel pity for Forrest as the show went on. After all, she did end up watching everything we watched.