
“Honey, that isn’t exactly what happened.”

At the risk of sounding like a shill... I’ve used Private Internet Access for several years now. It’s around 40 bucks a year and they’ve got apps for all major OS’s.

I learned about a few e-magazines that are free if you have Amazon Prime and the Kindle app. Consumer Reports was one of the few well known/mainstream magazines on there as of January 2017. I have February’s issue on my phone right now.

Place the ping pong ball in a glass, pour the boiling water over it, and the heat will force the material back into shape.

If you use Google Docs you use something like Edit Docs and can have it create a document for each store than the you can add to them individually. You’d say something like “Alexa, ask Edit Docs to update Costco with AA batteries, chicken and lots of liquor.”

Congrats on the mortgage payoff. I didn’t payoff a mortgage but did do the samething with another bill. I invested what was the monthly payment into an etf.

I think I hear “You’re an idiot” more than “I love you.”

bastard ALMOST got me to search for.... beans too.

i grew up in the south where hominy was a frequent side in many meals. i’m shocked when i encounter people who’ve never heard of it, and then delighted when they give it a try.

The drawer under mine is either a broiler or has a broiler pan “permanently” attached to it from being in the house since last century. I’d try to remove it, but I have the delicate hands of a programmer.

Me too! I’m a social person with his own friends who enjoys the company of other humans and won’t be eating this and then continue to cry softly into my pillow for 30 minutes every night MAN THIS LOOKS GREAT

I’ll hunt you down with my last breath for alcohol abuse of that magnitude . And make force feed you some Ripple and Champale as punishment .

I’ll be here all week.

Can we stop this ‘collective nightmare’ shit please, its fucking tiresome. Gadget blog...reporting on gadgets and science. I get that politics will come into the science/tech news often and it should (net neutrality as an example, or NASA funding) but starting every article about some imaginary collective nightmare

Thanks for those comments, I was this close to trusting the world renowned and immensely commercially successful chef Gordon Ramsay, but thankfully you came along with your personal opinion and saved the day.

While an excellent idea in theory, my experience is that notifying your banking institute prior to travelling is a waste of time.

YES! I love to use my pressure cooker for this. Since I also have a few backyard chickens for eggs, I take the bones, which are pretty soft after pressure cooking, and crush them with the cooked vegetables, etc that went into the stock. These I freeze in portions and feed to the chickens over time. I am sure they

That writing is gross at worst, and just fucking lazy at best. When virtually all encounters with women focus on their boobs, you know the author is either horny and lazy, or horny and compensating. Writing like that has no business being in a modern game. WTF are they thinking??

Lol like I have fitness equipment.

I understand that people are very disappointed that Hillary lost and Gizmodo Media Group leans to the left, but so many articles are coming with election baggage (or are completely focused on it) that it’s making coming here just tedious any more (and I would say the same thing if this was a conservative-leaning site