
it’s a great word to throw around plus it cooks really quickly.

Is EVERYONE at Gizmodo butt hurt about this election? Jesus Christ move on to something else.

I agree, I enjoyed them both and would love to see more. But I’m still scratching my head as to how the first two are related.

Cyberpower ones let you turn that off via their software

Cyberpower ones let you turn that off via their software

Actually, I’m doing my damndest to avoid the chains as much as possible. I know I am lucky that we can have time to make meals. But I am trying my hardest not to make another generation of fast foodies.

Was on a riding mower and ran over a yellow jacket nest underground. All I felt were things flying into me from all directions. When I realized what it was I jumped off that mower and ran. Luckily ended up unscathed.

Maybe I’m getting old and grizzled, but I’ve seen this story play out so many times now that I can tell when it’s going to happen.

You actually can, select the one you want, then see all reviews, then in the “format” drop down menu, select “Show only reviews for x”.

me too! i starred then unstarred him

Yeah, temperature is key. I had it a little too warm one time and it really woke my ass up. But yeah, if you get it right, it feels perfectly fine, soothing even.

Even if that’s true (and it sounds made up), MLHB would crush it.

White pepper!

I’m not even sure I care about the 2000 v. 2001 debate, but saying Memento is dumb is borderline asking to be harassed. Thus, I shall harass you.

My Safeway app is good for this. I just go online and pick the coupons for stuff I buy anyways, and it all gets unloaded when I enter in my phone number at checkout. I’ve tried to play the paper coupon game before, but I save a lot more money with this new method.

This seems like a great opportunity to point out how much better the experience is on Gizmodo with a solid ad blocker. I only ever remember there are ads at all when I view it on my phone. I don’t do that often enough to bother with ad blocking software on my phone.

Being able to look at a recipe and say “That’s perfect!” is the best possible place to start. Honestly, that’s how I do my weekly meal prep - it’s easier (and cheaper) to look and see what’s on sale, and then thumb through the collection or internet than it is to say “i want to have (x) this week” and end up paying

This is exactly what I do! I have huge jar that I cash in every November/early December, and take it to Coinstar for an Amazon gift certificate. I use cash a lot, so I end up with around $400 each year.

I guess not a lot of people have been on whale watches.

Yep. There’s a reason I don’t plan to live any longer than 74 years or the first sign of Alzheimers, whichever comes first. Got 46 years to go!