If I’m remembering a recent article correctly, while you do save more money if you can pay off the higher interest loans first, people had a greater failure rate in sticking with that plan if they were working on larger loans.
If I’m remembering a recent article correctly, while you do save more money if you can pay off the higher interest loans first, people had a greater failure rate in sticking with that plan if they were working on larger loans.
Figure out when you’re most likely to snack...and stock up on a healthier option you enjoy.
Yes, the slow loss made it a non-issue. My wife lost a lot of weight also during that year and had no problems either.
Cook your vegetables as normal, whether you plan to steam, roast, or anything else, then just before serving or packing them up, toss with a little mustard.
2 years ago, at the age of 50, I lost 90 pounds. I did it 1-2 pounds a week for a year by doing three things:
A little dab of bacon grease behind her ears and between her breasts and I follow my wife around all day.
Just in case you encounter a multi-hottie pep pyramid?
Hmmmm. I have some small bottles of champagne for mimosas. I could use one of those for this, so it wouldn’t be “loser granita”.
Those look fantastic. Great color.
It supports your point that most of my person-to-person gun sales have happened in the Bass Pro parking lot. Buy the gun; go inside to buy ammo.
I don’t know if I’d say “most magical”. However it does have fewer screaming kids, shorter lines, and more guns, so it beats out Disney World. And they sell jerky - lots of jerky.
Metal is forbidden on my teflon too. But, forbidding only works so well with kids (and not at all with Wifey) and we still have a drawer of silverware with spoons, etc. (and that damned gravy ladle) in the kitchen.
If a friend lets a fart slip or spills their drink, make them feel at ease. For example, you could say, “Don’t worry about it, I’m usually the one making a mess.”
Mine would be waaaay more non-stick if I could convince my wife and kids to stop using metal utensils in them. Mine are less ‘smooth surface’ and more ‘war-torn battlefield’.
“You don’t like Bass Pro Shops?”
I think you’ve found your next sous-vide masterpiece.
My wife and I are on opposite sides of the nut/no-nut debate. I prefer my brownies with nuts (preferably pecans) and she’s just wrong.
On Christmas Day I make four appetizers to nibble on between breakfast (monkey bread) and dinner (standing rib roast).
As an untanned white guy, i.e. a pasty chef, I also approve these changes.
I don’t work Friday or Monday, but I have company from Thursday night until Monday night. Therefore, I will do none of these things.