
But apparently it’s so much easier to say “You’re an idiot*” and dismiss everything they say.

In pursuit of the perfect pie pan, Stella Sparks at Serious Eats tried every type there is.

Nice video, but it’s a pretty normal event.

...smell the aroma emanating from his/her blowhole

I do this with all kinds of squash that my wife buys. My method:

I do this all year long and in November I take the Big Bucket ‘O Change to the Kroger grocery. I run it through their Coinstar machine in exchange for Amazon gift cards (there’s no fee for this). I use them for part of my Christmas funds.


I caught 400 pokemon before I saw my first magikarp. I then caught 4 in about an hour. go figure.

I crashed the server. That can’t be good.

I still have my AlphaSmart. I spent many an afternoon by the pool, tapping away, while the kiddies swam.

I upgraded three of my four boxes with no problems. The last box gets the ‘memory management’ BSOD error. Three hours of upgrading/converting/rolling back for each “make this change and try again” suggestion from Microsoft Support. After several tries and many wasted hours, I’ll just keep this desktop at Win7.

“Poop69 was taken”.

Exactly! I want to make one and cut it just like that to horrify thrill my wife and kids.

Haha...I could then see me testing the comfort of the guest room bed.

I need to show this to my wife. Every night she gets in bed, complains about cold feet, then cryotherapy’s me with them.

If I could cut celery to make it taste like bacon I’d be a billionaire.

But seriously, living in a suburban area, not even my walks through the neighborhood with my daughter and wife yield anything of value.

“On the highway, keep your hands on the wheel. We’ll keep you in your lane, maintain your speed, and keep your distance from the cars ahead of you. But remain vigilant and ready to take over in a split second in case we suddenly don’t do any of those things.”

The ability to make perfect (as defined by me) salsa in large batches has made my food processor worth every penny.

I’d be worried it was trying to tell me important stuff...