To be fair, lots of dudes have neglected work to grab their crotches.
To be fair, lots of dudes have neglected work to grab their crotches.
"Waiter, I ordered this take hot. Please bring this back to the kitchen and rectify the situation, post haste!"
Let's just kill Megan outright and save the chef the trouble.
Because wanting to pay less is soooo declasse, amirite?
Lol. Miami has more people AND a higher unemployment rate. But yeah, whatever keeps ya trollin bud.
Come to Australia. Every other male is a Barefoot Dave.
I was homeschooled. I followed a normal curriculum that had no religious influence at all. I was supervised by a credentialed teacher who I could email or call if necessary. I graduated two years early from high school. Nothing wrong with homeschooling if it's done right.
The big difference is that people see a driver being an asshole, and say "Wow, that's guy's an asshole!" They see a cyclist being an asshole and say "Wow, all cyclists are assholes!"
Yes, but all that aside, cyclists live in mortal terror of some driver (vengefully or inadvertently) killing them with their car. Motorists just have to deal with the nuisance of inconsiderate cyclists. So it's not a one way street but please recognize the balance of power.
Fuck this guy.
Never, EVER underestimate the stupidity of the United States people. Seriously. Look at our Congress and tell me that nobody is that stupid or ignorant.
Terroni's is exactly what came to mind when I read this. They're delicious, but not fancy enough to be as absurdly strict as they are.
Church of Latter Game Fights
Look, above your head! It's a joke!
I know the Ford Blimp often self destructs, but isn't that in Toronto?
"I said, I'll just tell them your five-sixths of the way there."
Where I currently live the term used is "Canadian." I've fired people for referring to black customers as "Canadians."