Rick Lucey

I agree music can be such a powerful element. Heck I listen to film/TV scores all the time myself and they at some moments that music is really part of the moment in real life itself.;)

Earplugs now that is a good idea!

Funny I think about stuff like that at times. Sleepy with a full protective helmet. I mean I have slept outside under the stars in the past, there many more creepy crawly things can go all over you. ;) It is bad enough inside a nice shelter you can have many types of creature and at sleep we truly are vulnerable!

Why did a click this link, why? Okay now to try to flush this out of my memory...

My cousin and I used to talk about this a decade ago and I think that same though holds true. You look at landfills and all that material there and I have to say a good percentage of it could be recycled. We are a pretty wasteful society and we need to try to curb some of this.

Wow and I just used to believe in the Easter Bunny!;)

LOL I love you statement!;)

I want to see your wild booth happen!

Gee there are still some cool BATMAN trades needed to be created!;)

You are so correct with that statement!

Nice send off to a show that really grew on me! Fun characters and a overall fun show with a nice humor/drama mix! I am also a sucker for endings that reflect the beginnings and this fit the bill! I also did catch some of the commentary here and there about the Scifi channel and of course I said right on. Myself it is

Not sure why this would be troll bait. I loved this show and BSG equally. I don't need shows/films, etc to all be one way or the other. Life show be about a mixture of emotions and stories that reflect this. I like some dark, some light hearted and some with a mixture of all. You are right on with your thoughts!

Someday we will have a Science Fiction channel! Or one worthy of the name.;)

Amen to that!

I like to call it the Scifrack channel these days and I am right with you there bro. I watch this channel less and less these days. Sounding like a broken record someone needs to start a Science Fiction channel there is such a huge library of series, short films, films, etc. going back some many years it is a no

Good job with the write ups! I keep putting off watching this episode as it felt like leaving some old friends you have been hanging out with and found you really liked them. Such is life and the changes.;) Also it leaves me less stuff to watch on the Scifi channel these days. They really like losing viewers don't

I really think in a year or two they would reboot and have a different style BATMAN film series. I would dig one closer to the animated series of the 90's myself. But that is just my thoughts on the matter.;)

Funny I just saw the film and felt that more as I thought about the end. I like that it is up the the viewer to decide in the end. Of course I am sure WB pressured Nolan to have that scene. LOL ;)

Yes always more of this and maybe sneak in a certain Dark Knight!;) Sorry I could not resist and keep them all retro fun!

So true!