Rick Lucey

Dug this big time!!!

I am one of those weirdos that likes STIII more that V and VI. Yeah III has it's flaws but it least they did not stick out to me as much as the flaws in V and VI did. Just my opinion though.

Man these are creepy!!!

Myself I would like man to really get out there and in the end I just want a functional and safe ship regardless of what it looks like. Heck a Battlestar would also be cool.;)

I am really not sure if this is feasible, but damn to see a real ship like this in orbit would be too cool! I still think sometime in the future if we make it out there some wacky rich person will have a large Enterprise type ship built out there even if it is just a hotel/resort type deal.

Gee I guess we are all the same age here. I recall seeing this episode as a kid and man it creeped the heck out of me also. It freaked me out when this creature attacked. Oh the memories. ;)

That's why I dig this show in how twisted relationships become because of the wildness of this FRINGE universe! Imagine having parallel versions of yourself and others you know to deal with along with time manipulations, etc. Man what a headache that could be.;) Still wild stuff for us viewers.;)

Spoiler Alert in case you haven't seen the episode....

I keep hearing all this business disaster hung on it myself. Yet when people dig into it they found it did do respectable business. I thought as a film it worked well for what it was. I was not perfect but I still enjoyed it and would like to see a few more JC films.

Funny I thought of it as a JOHN CARTER film. Of course that is me.

I am with you there!

I see this image everywhere it is still gets to me. Spiders and crab like creatures haunt me for some reason. Needless to say THE MIST freaked the crap out of me.;) Still can't help but watch these creatures though.;)

LOL that is too wild. SCIFI movie idea in action!;)

I know it was so great and I could not help a major grin factor. I swear in some alternate earth this TV film happened! ;)

SPACE MUTINY required viewing for those who wish to deepen their over acting skills!;)

Epic I say!

Yeah the TV heroes back in the day they were a bit powered down!;)

I know that was grand! LOL!

LOL he is rocking the look!

I finally saw it last week and really enjoyed it! It really captured that scifi, fun type of genre for me at least.