
I ordered a multi-pack of all the unusually-flavored Kit Kats from some japanese website. It should be arriving in a couple of weeks. Hopefully they'll keep the kit kats and the used underwear separate.
P.S. That last part's a joke - I hope they're together.
P.P.S. No seriously, I didn't order underwear.

I remember getting Mary Janes for Halloween once about 20 years ago - they taste TERRIBLE. I'm wondering if they were candies literally made in the homeowner's youth and kept to dole out to unspecting children at Halloween for decades to come.

Peanuts is even more repetitive. In the last thirteen years, it's felt like I'm just reading old strips.

Well, (SPOILERS!) he IS the monster at the end of that book.


That quote sounds like a euphemism.

The Moundshroud is the most sensitive part.


Monster House was creepier than expected.


Five-year-old issues of Men's Journal are COOL.

I can, but only because it's Matt Smith's last full episode. Since Capaldi shows up in the Christmas episode, I'm assuming Matt dies at the end of the Nov. ep/beginning of the Xmas ep.
FWIW, I saw all the Tennant and Eccleston episodes before I ever saw a Smith episode, so if the whole "my doctor" thing is

Yeah, he HAAAAAATES Doctor Who. There's an interview clip (which I can't get to because YT is blocked at work) where he's asked Doctor Who-related questions, such as, "What do you think of Matt Smith's work as the new Doctor" or something to that effect, and he answers that he saw Smith on stage in some play and he

Here we go again!